Okay. But just remember... You asked for it.
#Mathematicians #FoodFights #Pi #MathJoke #MathJokes #FunnyMeme #Humor #FarSide #Cartoon #MathFun
#mathematicians #foodfights #pi #mathjoke #mathjokes #funnymeme #Humor #farside #cartoon #mathfun
Reminds me indirectly of this one:
Consider the set of all sets that have never been considered before... oh, wait, wait, no, no, --aww, darnit, they're all gone!
I’m counting on you liking this #booktok #pun😁😁😁 #mathjokes #baddadjokes #cleanjokes #jokes #oneliners #punnyguy #dadjokes #punny #puns #dadhumor #writingcommunity #writerslife #epicfantasy #fantasybooks #heirtothecrown #bookstagram
#booktok #pun #mathjokes #baddadjokes #cleanjokes #jokes #oneliners #punnyguy #dadjokes #punny #puns #dadhumor #writingcommunity #writerslife #epicfantasy #fantasybooks #heirtothecrown #bookstagram
Snoke and Kylo Ren ran a First Order derivative of the Empire. #DadJokes #MathJokes
Happy #PiDay2023! Join the celebration of math and baking with people worldwide sharing their love of pi and all things pie! #MathJokes #PiDayCelebration https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-14&topic=piday2023
#pidaycelebration #mathjokes #piday2023
RT @dailystem
One of my students said they counted to infinity four times.
They said it took four-ever.
The world's first #scientific #calculator debuts. Made by Hewlett-Packard, the HP-35 is the first pocket-sized electronic device capable of performing advanced trigonometric and exponential functions.
It's said that the final dimensions were actually taken from Bill Hewlett's shirt pocket.
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#OTD #Histodons #TodayInHistory #Math #MathJokes #ComputerHistory #Computers #1970s #1972 #8008135 #Cartoon #WebComic #Science
#onthisday #history #scientific #calculator #otd #histodons #todayinhistory #math #mathjokes #computerhistory #computers #1970s #cartoon #webcomic #science
RT @JMSepulcre@twitter.com
Estos #DiagramasdeVenn, muy usados en la #TeoríadeConjuntos, gustarán a mis seguidores de Twitter, #químicos incluidos. 🤣🤣 #jokes #MathJokes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JMSepulcre/status/1619365433252921344
#mathjokes #jokes #quimicos #teoriadeconjuntos #diagramasdevenn
I was explaining to my son that algebra uses the Roman alphabet, and another branch of math called Calculus uses the Greek alphabet.
When he asked me why I replied, "to differentiate them!" 🥁
I was the only one laughing. He'll realize how funny I am some day.
Frustrated by the Apple stopwatch not rolling over minutes from 59 to 0 as other apps do and all I can think about is "C^{1} is not isomorphic to [0, 1]".
Does this mean that a poly relationship involving 10^27 people could have been called a hellacule? Real missed opportunity there, IMO
#RepostingMyself #DadJokes #MathJokes
#dadjokes #mathjokes #repostingmyself
In matters of the heart, I'm a theoretician not an experimentalist. I just do the mathematical working out of the theories and let other people run the actual experiments.
Currently working on the Existence and Smoothness properties of solutions to my romantic woes. It's generally believed that solutions always exist, but my focus is on where proposed solutions could potentially blow up.
#anxiety #socialanxiety #mathjokes
"Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems."
#mathjokes #punintended
A lot of functions where in a party, all having a great time. All but e^x, which was sad and alone in a corner. Another function approaches they:
-Hey! Come on, let's go!, don't you want to integrate?
-What for? If it gives the same
"Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems." #mathjokes #funny #shitpost