A great comment from @DavidBedford on my BIDMAS (etc) post: "#Mathematics needs conventions but conventions are not mathematics."
#mathseducation #maths #mathematics
#WorkedExamples #SelfExplanationPrompts
Another one for today.
#MTBoS #ClassroomMath #MathsEdChat #MathsEducation #ITeachMath
#iteachmath #mathseducation #mathsedchat #classroommath #mtbos #selfexplanationprompts #workedexamples
#WorkedExamples #SelfExplanationPrompts
Planning for the new year.
I should start to collate these on my website at some point.
#MTBoS #ClassroomMath #MathsEdChat #MathsEducation #ITeachMath
#iteachmath #mathseducation #mathsedchat #classroommath #mtbos #selfexplanationprompts #workedexamples
Question for #MathsEducation people (particularly, but not exclusively, UK A level teachers):
Why do we teach binomial expansion (non-integral powers) with initial step factoring out: \((a+b)^n = a^n(1+\frac{b}{a})^n\)?
Wouldn't it be less prone to errors simply to teach:
(a + b)^n = a^n + \frac{n}{1} a^{n-1}b + \frac{n(n-1)}{1\times2} a^{n-2}b^2 + \frac{n(n-1)(n-2)}{1\times2\times3} a^{n-3}b^3 + \cdots\]
with radius of convergence given by ensuring that the "common ratio", \(\frac{b}{a}\) has magnitude less than \(1\).
#mathed #iteachmath #iTeachMaths #mtbos #mathseducation
Took a break to do some programming this afternoon.
Randomly generated box and whisker plots.
#MTBoS #MathsEdChat #MathsEducation #ITeachMath
#iteachmath #mathseducation #mathsedchat #mtbos
3rd year of being a nomadic teacher next year. I'm in 12 different classrooms over the week. After ideas to cut down what I lug around all day.
reMarkable had solved my paper problem.
But I carry a visualizer, 24 board pens for mini whiteboards, 3 calculators, laptop plus charging cable, graphics tablet, HDMI cable, and then any work for the lessons I'm teaching before I can next visit the Maths office. (We're split site and I only teach in the Maths block about 50% of the time.)
Jacket pockets hold my board pen, fountain pen, pencil, ruler and headphones.
#EduTooter #MathsEdChat #MTBoS #MathsEducation #TeachingMaths #MathsTeaching #ITeachMath
#iteachmath #mathsteaching #teachingmaths #mathseducation #mtbos #mathsedchat #EduTooter
New Blog ๐
(Slightly) Re-thinking the example-problem pair
#MathsEdChat #MTBoS #MathsTeaching #MathsEducation #Pedagogy
#pedagogy #mathseducation #mathsteaching #mtbos #mathsedchat
Wrote this task for our factorising unit last year, since we now cover surds before factorising at GCSE.
Don't think it quite achieves what I want yet, so going to have a tinker.
#MTBoS #MathsEd #ITeachMaths #MathsTeaching #MathsEducation
#mathseducation #mathsteaching #iTeachMaths #mathsed #mtbos
Collecting like terms:
This year I've started using the approach shown below.
Because it reminds me of the top of a castle (crenellations) I call it "crenellating". ๐
#MathsEdChat #MTBoS #MathsEducation #TeachingMaths #MathsTeaching #ITeachMath
#iteachmath #mathsteaching #teachingmaths #mathseducation #mtbos #mathsedchat
@Chrisfmaths Out of interest do you get a full A Level worth of time for the Further lessons?
We teach in series and get 1.5 times the lessons of single A Level. #MathsEdChat #MathsEducation #MTBoS
#mtbos #mathseducation #mathsedchat
@CharlotteHawthorne The longer I tach for the more I move away from autonomy. Perhaps because when you have too much it's exhausting.
I'd be so happy for someone else to write a unit I could teach from. ๐
#MathsEdChat #MTBoS #MathsEducation #TeachingMaths #MathsTeaching
#mathsteaching #teachingmaths #mathseducation #mtbos #mathsedchat
Posting on here definitely feels different and more like posting into the void...but I kind of like it. It's freeing not worrying about a post getting likes (favourites) or replies and just saying what I feel.
Today I've been thinking about autonomy in planning maths lessons. Prompted by many things but brought to the forefront by Craig Barton's blog this morning (Link below)
I'm trying to mentally wrestle with the idea that I have, in the past, disliked being told how to teach if it's too prescriptive...I hated the thought of some structures I'd seen in other schools such as compulsory 10 minute retrieval where the questions were pre-prepared by someone else.
But I also find myself wanting to dictate methods, approaches and sometimes even a whole series of lessons.
But the crucial thing here is that I think I was scarred by some particularly bad ideas. Whole-school T&L policies which were driven by subjects very different to maths. Perhaps this made me resistant to being told to do something.
Now that we know better (I hope), are there aspects that could be much more prescribed?
And could there potentially be more creativity that comes from this? If we give teachers time back with the basics of lessons planned will there be more time for tweaking/adapting/thinking creatively about how to improve things?
#MathsEdChat #MTBoS #MathsEducation #TeachingMaths #MathsTeaching
#mathsteaching #teachingmaths #mathseducation #mtbos #mathsedchat
#introduction time!
I'm Alex, creator of https://vicmathsnotes.weebly.com a website chock full of resources dedicated to helping students and teachers with their #MathsEducation all freely available and I'm one of the authors for the Oxford Maths 7โ10 series (VIC, AUS, NSW editions).
I'm a #MathsTeacher and have been a #MathsTutor for 10 years. I'm always looking for more ways I can help other teachers improve by resource creation or delivering PD. DM or look here for more info: https://vicmathsnotes.weebly.com/workshops.html
If you're interested in #Engelmann and #DirectInstruction #DI feel free to reach out or use my summary of Theory of Instruction: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I_mMMo5Ufw715n-KY18I7P0XhByFARhk/view
#di #directinstruction #engelmann #mathstutor #MathsTeacher #mathseducation #introduction
I've had an account here for 6 years without posting anything... feel like I should probably change that with an #Introduction.
I'm a secondary #MathsTeacher in Nottingham.
I share #MathsEducation resources at https://interwovenmaths.com/
One of my main passions is sharing tasks featuring interweaving: the bringing together of topics from across mathematics to explore their connections.
With that in mind, here's a maths question:
'With 12 cubes, you could make 4 different cuboids (1x1x12, 1x2x6, 1x3x4, 2x2x3).
12 also has 4 non-prime factors (1, 4, 6, 12).
Which other numbers is that true for? Which numbers is it not true for?'
#mathseducation #MathsTeacher #introduction
So apparently weโre all coming over here? Probably time for an #introduction then!
Currently a #MathsTeacher and lead practitioner in Leeds. Iโll soon be joining Dr Frost Learning as their Director of Learning (Maths).
I mostly talk about #mathseducation, including my obsession with ratio tables, which I incorporate into as many conversations and conference workshops that I can.
Also very invested in #baking and my lovely cockapoo, Albie. ๐ฅฐ
#baking #mathseducation #MathsTeacher #introduction
Will be talking about some of my favourite things again - representations, #inclusion and #mathsEducation! Including new thoughts on past research data (image shows a bunch of student drawings and models). #Free online event for anyone interested in students' struggles with #arithmetic.
#arithmetic #free #mathseducation #inclusion
Our team was commissioned by @edeeucationgovuk to explore the evidence on adult numeracy skills policy in the last 20 years (1/10)
View our report here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-the-evidence-on-the-numeracy-skills-interventions-for-adults
#education #policy #numeracy #adulteducation #ukeducation #mathseducation #compulsorymaths #socialresearch #multiply #publicpolicy #rishisunak #departmentforeducation #multiply #evidencemap #ukpolicy #publicpolicy
#education #policy #numeracy #adulteducation #ukeducation #mathseducation #compulsorymaths #socialresearch #multiply #publicpolicy #RishiSunak #departmentforeducation #evidencemap #UKpolicy
How to re-engage students in mathematics https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/how-to-re-engage-students-in-mathematics/101839694?utm_campaign=abc_radionational&utm_content=twitter&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_radionational
@sadgrove It will deter some from continuing their studies, obviously a bad thing. A 'Use of #Maths' exam (similar in principle to the 'Use of English' I took decades ago) available to non-Maths students (but not compulsory) might be sensible. #mathseducation
Iโve loved #maths all my life. I read it at university. But I doubt #mathseducation to 18 is for all. Will it create better citizens, foster creativity or promote basic literacy (not to say appreciation of the arts)? Is it our top priority just now? Probably not.