I used a LaTeX package, Leadsheets, to make the song book and chord books for the 2022 #MathsJamJam. I've documented how I did it here, mainly as a reminder to myself, but it might be of interest to others.
I've updated the #MathsJamJam song book to include all songs written between 2016 and 2022. 94 songs over 100 pages, with lyrics reimagined by 20 mathematical lyricists.
@MathsJam @BigMathsJam
*sings "I think I've found my next #MathsJam talk" to the tune of "You took the words right out of my mouth"*
#mathsjamjam #BigMathsJam #mathsjam
@pozorvlak That means you're fully recovered and in prime #MathsJamJam writing mode. Excellent news!
@hafnia Over on birdsite, you might enjoy searching the #mathsjamjam hashtag.