Gilbert Strang's final lecture on Linear Algebra.
Hey, #mathstodons, can anyone recommend a Mastodon app for Android that supports #latexmath formulas?
I see people, uh, tooting and using #latex code in their, uh, toots. But my app (Tusky) renders the code as plain ASCII code.
#latex #latexmath #mathstodons
#Mathstodons I assume you are familiar with the #MathematicalGenealogyProject hosted by #NorthDakotaStateUniversity? #Histodons do you know of any comparable project about the history of another discipline? Or maybe this is an aspect of the #Sociology of modern #Mathematics?
#mathstodons #mathematicalgenealogyproject #northdakotastateuniversity #histodons #sociology #mathematics
Hello #mathstodons and beyond!
I thought I'd make an #Introduction.
I am an overly-excited and eclectic PhD Candidate at the #UniversityofMelbourne in Theoretical & Computational #NeuroscienceofConsciousness. Where I'm primarily attempting to explore how we can quantify #emergence in #neuralsystems to better inform scientific theories of #consciousness.
I know what you're thinking: that's a dense sentence! So let me try be more specific, and hopefully, even denser..
#consciousness #neuralsystems #emergence #NeuroscienceofConsciousness #UniversityofMelbourne #introduction #mathstodons