Just finished watching the brilliant #MatildaTheMusical film with the family.
Apropos nothing in particular, I'm struck by the subtle message that in the face of injustice, disobedience is permitted and may in fact be necessary to effect a change.
A friend on Facebook shared this and it's so, so good. It's Rob Zombie's Dragula set to a video from the movie version of Matilda the Musical. It just works.
#Dragula #RobZombie #Matilda #MatildaTheMusical #MashUp #Music
#Music #mashup #matildathemusical #Matilda #robzombie #dragula
Rewatched #MatildaTheMusical. And I dont like most #musical(s), except the weird ones. And this one is great. The music is pitch perfect, and hits in the gut. Kudos to the kids and their dancing skills. The ~LAYERS~ of story that blend together is so well done.
Comparing this to the 90s movie would be apples to pineapples. Two very different experiences. This one is so good. Not too sugar, not to pepper. Props to Emma T.
#matildathemusical #musical #cinemastodon #matilda
In a one month period, I’ve watched both Naatu Naatu (from #RRR) and Revolting Children (from the film adaptation of #MatildaTheMusical) and I just worry I’ve reached the pinnacle of #choreography I’ll seen in my lifetime. Incredible stuff.
#rrr #matildathemusical #choreography #movies
My son this morning: “I just had a dream that was a mix of Matilda and Power Rangers, and there was a water park at school.”
Me: “That sounds like 100% you.”
#dreams #matildathemusical #powerrangers
Musicals just needed the right music for me to like them?
Matilda the metal musical #shorts #matildathemusical https://youtube.com/shorts/ATI6X59Wk2w?feature=share via @YouTube
Hop, on partage. Dernière obsession en date: School song, de la comédie musicale Matilda. Un petit bijou pour les esgourdes !
The new Matilda Movie is weird and surprisingly dark.
I've never seen the original movie so I didn't know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't this. Definitely one of the most unique movies I've seen in a while.
They definitely didn't have a shortage of talented kids. Damn those kids could dance!
As someone who was labeled a "troublemaker" at school, the headmistress was definitely one of the most hateable characters I've ever seen. She got pipes too though.
Vu (avec un peu de retard) #MatildaTheMusical sur Netflix. Je n'ai pas lu le roman ni vu le film de De Vito et j'ai beaucoup aimé cette version très rythmée, avec une mention spéciale pour la qualité des chansons et des chorégraphies. A voir même pour les néophytes (comme moi) ☺️
#MatildaTheMusical sur @netflix@twitter.com c'est très sympa même s'il me semble un peu long. Avec 2/3 chansons en moins, je pense que le film aurait vraiment gagné en efficacité mais il y a de beaux moments dans le film et notamment tous les morceaux chantés par l'ensemble des élèves, à
The opening number of #MatildaTheMusical is a goldmine for #FilmPhotography nerds. I was especially thrilled to spot a Konica Genbakantoku in there!
#matildathemusical #filmphotography
Ich hab 80% der Zeit bei #MatildaTheMusical geweint.
Fand das als Film damals schon sehr hart, weil ich mit so viel Ungerechtigkeit und Missbrauch nur schwer klarkomme - selbst wenn es eine Geschichte über Widerstand und Verbindungen ist.
#MatildaTheMusical deserves award just for costume design around The School Song alone.
First there's Hortensia.
Hortensia in the book is about 12 years old. She's our "background info" character and is the one from who we hear about the Chokey.
"Here was somebody who had brought the art of skullduggery to the highest point of perfection, somebody, moreover, who was willing to risk life and limb in pursuit of her calling." She misbehaves, gets caught, and _doesn't_ care.
So in the musical…
#RoaldDahl’s #MatildaTheMusical takes the stage musical and crams it into a #Netflix movie. The result is a #musical that dances exuberantly onto the screen with barely any flair.
#Netflix #Movie #Music #Drama #comedy #streaming #Matilda #review #reviews
#roalddahl #matildathemusical #netflix #musical #movie #music #drama #comedy #streaming #matilda #review #reviews
MATILDA is a classic story that showcases the pure imagination and longing of children amidst the chaos of the world. The Netflix adaptation perfectly captures the magic, bringing out the inner child of the audience, with Tim Minchin's music adding more layers to the emotions and the atmosphere. Equal parts fun and heartwarming. #MatildaTheMusical
#MatildaTheMusical was absolutely brilliant! ❤️✌️
...loved the Revolting Children! 🕺💃
From the wholesome to the confronting to the damn-near life-changing, here are my picks for the Top 20 #Best #Films of 2022.
Full list at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2023/01/top-20-best-films-of-2022.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinemastodon #list #AvatarTheWayOfWater #BansheesOfInisherin #TheBatman #Belle #Benedetta #Bros #ChaChaRealSmooth #CrimesOfTheFuture #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #TheFabelmans #GlassOnion #MadGod #MatildaTheMusical #MoonageDaydream #Nope #TheNorthman #RRR #Smile #ThreeThousandYearsOfLonging #X
#best #films #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinemastodon #list #avatarthewayofwater #bansheesofinisherin #thebatman #belle #benedetta #bros #chacharealsmooth #crimesofthefuture #everythingeverywhereallatonce #thefabelmans #glassonion #madgod #matildathemusical #moonagedaydream #nope #thenorthman #rrr #smile #threethousandyearsoflonging #x