Don't get me wrong, I love #Linux and ran it for about 3 years before being forced to go back to #Windows. Coming back to it recently has been a great joy.
But the pain of installing #Matlab and losing my entire #Factorio run recently really broke me.
Linux is fun, but the installation of software is often a pain, and I can see the barrier it would have for even my technical friends. The other thing is the weird instability I sometimes experience. Something like my software working great and then just crashing for days without changing anything.
Overall, it is fun for a developer, but I sometimes miss the fire and forget the ease of use I had with Windows and 90% of my #Steam library.
#linux #windows #matlab #factorio #steam
@tchauhan haven't touched #Matlab in over a decade, and never had to use it on#linux
However, I'm curious: would this work for the global config file: add a line that sources `$HOME/.matlabrc`?
If Matlab is able to include config files from within another... this (or the Matlab specific way of specifying home environment variable might work?
Three methods for calculating an evolutionary power #spectrum: spectrogram, wavelet power spectrum and evolutionary Lomb-Scargle power spectrum, coming soon in the new editions of my books and for #MATLAB already here now:
#qiita #MATLAB
Könnte ich auch händisch machen, aber bei etlichen komplexeren Funktionen geht es gerade bei den 2. und 3. Ableitungen schon gut zur Sache. BTW: Ließe sich auch mit #WolframAlpha unter Nutzung von »derivative of function« angehen.
Mit #MATLAB ist aber der Workflow, wie gezeigt, praktikabler.
Ich bastele gerade mit #MATLAB an der Erweiterung meines SVG-Funktionsplotters und ergänze die analytischen Ableitungen der Funktionen, um Extrempunkte und Nullstellen genauer zu ermitteln:
syms x
f = x^3 - 4 * x^2 + 4 * x
f1 = simplify(diff(f))
f2 = simplify(diff(f1))
f3 = simplify(diff(f2))
fprintf(strcat(string(f), "\n", string(f1), "\n", string(f2), "\n", string(f3)))
Den Output der drei Ableitungen kann ich dann in xsl:function umformulieren:
4*x - 4*x^2 + x^3
3*x^2 - 8*x + 4
6*x - 8
times operator (.*) will be faster in next #Nelson 0.7.9 #OpenSource #Software #Engineering #HPC #DataScience #DataAnalysis #bigdata #SystemSimulation #SystemModeling #programming #scientific #OSS #Numerical #Computation #Simulation #AltairEDU #scilab #GNUoctave #Matlab
#nelson #opensource #software #engineering #hpc #datascience #dataanalysis #bigdata #systemsimulation #systemmodeling #programming #scientific #oss #numerical #computation #simulation #altairedu #scilab #gnuoctave #matlab
MATLABからslack apiを使ってプロット画像を投稿する方法
#qiita #MATLAB #Slack #slackbot #slack_api
#qiita #matlab #slack #slackbot #slack_api
New release! 💻 the TMST toolbox v2.0 includes a modulation scalogram function and a step-by-step demonstration of the main features. #matlab #SpeechPerception #SpeechProduction #SpeechProcessing @psycholinguistics
#speechperception #SpeechProduction #speechprocessing #matlab
So why then Julia? Well, Julia is faster than #Python, more suitable to write large systems in it than #Rstats and less expensive than #Matlab. So, speed, scalability and being open source make Julia an attractive alternative. On the other hand, Julia requires more programming skills than the other 3 languages mentioned, so it is really interesting to see whether it can keep its position between the "big boys".
[Tw] RT @PreddieNercury: デーモン召喚 #matlab
This week I'm teaching the data acquisition practical again with Lego Mindstorms, smartphones, thermal imaging cameras, spectral cameras, laser scanners and lots more toys – it's going to be fun! #matlab #python #geosciences #statistics
#statistics #geosciences #python #matlab
Happy to introduce the first release of TMST, a #Matlab toolbox for the computation of amplitude- and f0- modulation spectra and spectrograms. This toolbox provides different tools to explore the modulation content and dynamics of #audio signals, in particular #speech #sounds. #SpeechPerception #SpeechProduction @psycholinguistics @linguistics
#matlab #audio #speech #sounds #speechperception #SpeechProduction
Going to share this again.
In Black Panther 19 (2005-2008) he is on honeymoon with Storm and relaxing on the beach reading a book.
Turns out it's a Matlab manual. This is the code he's reading:
Even superheroes need to brush up their data science
#marvel #blackpanther #datascience #matlab
I mean, #Matlab is a pretty powerful tool, but the editor is just terrible compared to any #IntelliJ #IDE or even #VSCode. But there's one thing that is even worse than that: When you're stuck using GNU #Octave. Nothing about the Octave UI is ergonomic or comfortable.
#octave #vscode #ide #intellij #matlab
#MATLAB has a new, small but awesome feature - open any public github repo in the cloud - get this - even if you don't have a MATLAB license.
New post on the #reproducible MATLAB blog here:
Also available on my new and shiny project: Reproducible Temperature Visualisations with MATLAB
Open this project in MATLAB online to create stunning visualisations of surface temperature data and visualise #climate change:
#matlab #reproducible #climate
There's two paths forward, each with two blockers, on #neptune (#opensource drone datalink using #hamradio bands).
1) 2021.1 Petalinux build, where the #ADI #MATLAB transceiver toolbox works, but the #ADI TES profiles do not work.
2) 2022.2 Petalinux build, where the #ADI #MATLAB transceiver toolbox doesn't work, but the #ADI TES profile is correct.
If you can help, please get in touch. We've got great things going on and want to demonstrate them on this hardware.
#matlab #adi #hamradio #opensource #neptune