Red pill, white rabbit. Magical Desi Woman trope guiding white hero in “#Foundation” (#NimratKaur) and “#Matrix4” (#PriyankaChopra)
#foundation #nimratkaur #matrix4 #priyankachopra
We Remade The Matrix For $20 ("Dodge This" Scene) #Matrix #MatrixResurrections #Matrix4 #YouTube
#matrix #matrixresurrections #matrix4 #youtube
Стоит ли мне смотреть Матрицу 4?
Is a Good idea to watch The Matrix 4?
@moviestvposting #TheMatrix #TheMatrixResurrection #TheMatrix4 #Matrix4
omg I’m in love with the new Matrix movie. I had put it off for so long, I was against the idea when it was first announced. I love the original movie and the two sequels, and thought the story wrapped up nicely. I didn’t think a new story would be able to add anything.
well, I thought they did a great job. Definitely one of my favorite of this generation of sequels. I loved the character Bugs. You know the Wachowskis are online, Bugs is the blue hair SJW that every gamergate shithead is terrified of. A weird reminder that while “taking the red pill” and “being in the matrix” have become tied to the manosphere, gamergate, and reactionary & fascist politics, the source material the 1999 movie the Matrix is 100% a progressive film with obvious anarchist, marxist and trans liberation politics.
#thematrix #thematrixresurrection #thematrix4 #matrix4
Surprize, Matrix 4 estas sufiĉe bona filmo. Mi ŝatus vidi kvinan parton en tiu ĉi universo.
I went to a movie with my friends this weekend. The film was The Matrix Resurrections. And as a fan of the trilogy, I was very disappointed in it. The storyline is simple, in my opinion. Some questions went unanswered.
I watched #MatrixResurrections aka #Matrix4, and a big FUCK you to all naysayers. It was magnificent! 8 ⭐ out of 10!
#xp #matrix4 #MatrixResurrections
Glad I’m watching #matrix4 at home. I’ve paused it 4x to get a coffee take a dump watch some YouTube on alcohol stoves read some news on my ipad upload some instagram oh and to type some shit here…I was so jacked for months watching all of the vids with theories of what the movie was going to be about. Well it’s the 3rd movie I’ve watched on HBO max and wasn’t disappointed in not seeing it in the theater. If the movie is good on HBO then I’ll spend the dollars to see it on a bigger screen.
#JournalDuGeek #Cinéma "Matrix 4 : la nouvelle bande-annonce est un bug dans la matrice" #Matrix #Matrix4 #MatrixRessurections ... Ajout "plan d'axctions et ressources données par APEC
#journaldugeek #cinéma #matrix #matrix4 #MatrixRessurections
#JournalDuGeek #Cinéma "Matrix 4 : la nouvelle bande-annonce est un bug dans la matrice" #Matrix #Matrix4 #MatrixRessurections ... Ajout "plan d'axctions et ressources données par APEC
#MatrixRessurections #matrix4 #matrix #cinéma #journaldugeek
J'espère que me taper toutes les bandes annonces ne va pas me gâcher la surprise du film ^^
The Matrix Resurrections official trailer released
#matrix4 #matrix