D'ailleurs, j'ai une justification de pourquoi je ne l'ai pas fait:
J'ai chiffré le disque avec LUKS (bien que le disque de l'hyperviseur soit aussi chiffré), juste pour être bien certain que, hormis faille de sécurité sur la VM elle même, on ne puisse pas accéder on contenu du Matrix
(Car, même si les communication ms sont chiffrés, il y a pléthore de métadonnées)
I like running and managing infrastructure but opening things up to the public means I also have to moderate things. Lately, Matrix seems to have become worse with more and more rooms and accounts I have to remove for breaking rules.
I don't particularly like having to interact with "questionable" or straight up illegal content but then again, who does? It's part of being a #mastoadmin or #matrixadmin.
Riot has a cool new option for room admins called "Remove recent messages" on user profiles to remove messages from those pesky spambots.
Usually, kicking a user gives you the option to remove their recent messages too. But in case of IRC spambots bridged to Matrix channels, kicking or banning those temporary users is pointless. This feature is useful in such cases.
:matrix: #matrix #matrixadmin ... script/help to run rust-synapse-compress-state against all rooms ... don't ignore the comments in the script, do backups ... hope it helps somebody
🔗 https://gist.github.com/verymilan/f4a31e3a641723c95ac6fd24b626e2ef