Interesting, in the #timeline I'm in today "supercede" is an incorrect spelling.
#timeline #matrix #matrixfails
I used to think as a little kid in the #70s that I didn't like this music; it was from the #50s! Old music.
But it set a relaxing vibe. It made such sense in context. It's nostalgic for #Christmas #holidays to me, but seriously - it made more sense. You please nobody playing a jumble of country, hip hop and pop metal to people in public when shopping! I prefer the silence you sometimes get at #Aldis or #Lidl. Context matters.
There was still some thought put into being considerate and thoughtful back then. It's as if little kids now control our civilization: we can't have that because it's "corny"! And we must all play war in our tactical clothing, change daily life to a harsh, combative version of reality. Being kind and courteous is not cool! Who cares about cursing? Mock everything!
We live in a 6 year old boy's depiction of How Things Should Be.
...Not that I go anywhere anymore due to #covid, and #Sears , #Kmart are long gone. I blame the #Matrix starting to fail around 1977 and blue Christmas lights. *Blue* Christmas lights.....? I know #TrickorTreat has been ruined, but at least we still have lights, right....?
Watch "Music Only | 1970s Holiday Shopping at Kmart" on YouTube
#70s #50s #christmas #holidays #aldis #lidl #covid #sears #KMart #matrix #trickortreat #ihatethe21stcentury #matrixfails