We had a thread at Matrix Games, about 15 years ago, while they were porting World in Flames. The topic was spherical projections.
I contributed by covering Fuller's Dymaxion map with hexes at 100 miles (160 km) per hex. It keeps all the land masses intact, no breaks, with minimal distortion, basically a contiguous map of the Earth.
Of course, Fuller would have vehemently opposed using his map for a wargame.
#icosahedron #wifce #fuller #matrixgames
I'd love to play a #TTRPG system that combined the roll-under percentile dice mechanics of #BasicRoleplaying with the rich sourcebooks and #InfiniteWorlds backdrop of #GURPS. For solo #RPG adventures, I'd use #MatrixGames as an oracle:
I mean, this is kind of what I do anyway, but I'd like it to be integrated. Maybe with #ORC! Do you think #SteveJacksonGames can be talked into liberating GURPS?
#ttrpg #basicroleplaying #infiniteworlds #gurps #rpg #matrixgames #orc #stevejacksongames #brp #sjg
I'm not sure why folks are liking my last post, but it occurs to me that if I'm going to play solo, I don't have to be efficient; I can overkill my games as much as I see fit: #GURPS books, #BasicRoleplaying, #MatrixGames, bring it on
#gurps #basicroleplaying #matrixgames
@avram What do you think about replacing "argument" with "reason"? Short and seems sufficiently neutral for both cooperative and competitive #MatrixGames.
@avram That sounds pretty good, but I don't understand why lowest winner wins on d6 and highest on d100. BTW, #MatrixGames were developed in a time when rolling lots of dice was not always considered a bad thing.
@avram That's a good point. Let me nose around some more modern #MatrixGames and see what they call arguments. Proposals, maybe?
#OTD 1942 #OperationUranus begins. #DecisiveCampaigns #CaseBlue #wargame from #Matrixgames.
#otd #operationuranus #decisivecampaigns #caseblue #wargame #matrixgames
The Flare Path: Iron Curtain Call - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/amAJHJPM3OI/ #FeaturedArticles #VeitikkaStudios #ArmoredBrigade #TheFlarePath #MatrixGames #Slitherine #preview
#featuredarticles #veitikkastudios #armoredbrigade #theflarepath #matrixgames #slitherine #preview