@littlefox yeah...
Feels like the #MatrixReloaded:
Quali film compiono vent’anni nel 2023? È questa la domanda che ci siamo posti, facendo un non poco nostalgico passo indietro nel tempo. Il 2003 è stato un anno ricco di pellicole che sarebbero diventate cult del cinema, in alcuni casi parliamo di primi film di saghe che avrebbero conquistato il mon...
#22Gennaio #CinemaeSerieTV #ilsignoredeglianelliilritornodelre #MatrixReloaded #piratideicaraibilamaledizionedellaprimaluna
#piratideicaraibilamaledizionedellaprimaluna #matrixreloaded #ilsignoredeglianelliilritornodelre #CinemaeSerieTV #22gennaio
oder doch lieber gleich die „matrix 4-film déjà vu collection” für 18,96?!? #matrix #MatrixReloaded #MatrixRevolutions #MatrixResurrections #itunes #31tage31angebote https://itunes.apple.com/de/movie-collection/matrix-4-film-d%C3%A9j%C3%A0-vu-collection/id1614900185?at=11lxVv
#matrix #matrixreloaded #MatrixRevolutions #MatrixResurrections #itunes #31tage31angebote
Can't believe it's only just dawned on me while re-watching #JohnWick that the #Doctor is the #KeyMaker from #MatrixReloaded
Turns out he's #MasterOugway from #KungfuPanda too but that's besides the point, since while confirming the former I discovered this latter (:*
#johnwick #doctor #KeyMaker #matrixreloaded #MasterOugway #kungfupanda
The Matrix Reloaded - Burly Brawl || French Horn & Trumpet Cover
#Musique #Music #MatrixReloaded #TheMatrixReloaded #Matrix #TheMatrix
#musique #music #matrixreloaded #thematrixreloaded #matrix #thematrix