ABSTRAKT ALGEBRA Feat. CANDLEMASS, KING DIAMOND Members See Self-Titled Debut Reissued; Includes Three Bonus Tracks
Abstrakt Algebra's highly sought after self-titled debut album has been remastered and reissued featuring three bonus tracks.
Abstrakt Algebra lineup:
#LeifEdling - Bass
#MatsLeven - Vocals
#MikeWead - Guitar
#SimonJohansson - Guitar
#JejoPerkovic - Drums
#leifedling #matsleven #mikewead #simonjohansson #bravewords #abstractalgebra #candlemass #kingdiamond #metal #jejoperkovic #themetaldogarticlelist
In December 1982, against all odds, Europe won the talent competition Rock-SM, opening the doors of the music industry for Swedish hard rock and metal bands. If you like bands like Candlemass, Entombed, Arch Enemy or InFlames, you have to thank them as well. 😃
#greatestmomentsinrockhistory #gmirh #europe #rocksm #rocksm1982 #JoeyTempest #JohnNorum #MatsLevén #TonyReno #SwedishMetal #SwedishHardRock #HeavyMetal #HardRock
#greatestmomentsinrockhistory #gmirh #europe #rocksm #rocksm1982 #joeytempest #johnnorum #matsleven #tonyreno #swedishmetal #swedishhardrock #heavymetal #hardrock