ahaha got blocked by @mattblaze for asking why he acts like a child. #mattblaze #fools #making #fun #of #fools and everyone applauds. am glad youre out of my timeline now you simp!
#mattblaze #fools #making #fun #of
Black Hat 2020: Scaling Mail-In Voting Spawns Broad Challenges - Voting Village security celeb Matt Blaze delves into the logistics of scaling up mail-in voting ah... https://threatpost.com/black-hat-mail-in-voting-challenges/158075/ #criticalinfrastructure #presidentialelection #electionsecurity #vulnerabilities #blackhat2020 #mailinvoting #government #challenges #mattblaze #blackhat #keynote #scale
#scale #keynote #blackhat #mattblaze #challenges #government #mailinvoting #blackhat2020 #vulnerabilities #electionsecurity #presidentialelection #criticalinfrastructure