Kids, Matt's guest tonight is Andrew Seidel and they'll be talking about the "Extreme Court" and probably other stuff too. The religious right shanghai'ing courts, our rights, etc. Starts at the top of the hour and on-demand after that on ewetube!
#TheLine #MattDillahunty #AndrewSeidel
Do it up!
#andrewseidel #mattdillahunty #TheLine
WHY HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS BEFORE? I love Matt Dillahunty and like James Randi a lot too.
#skeptics #mattdillahunty #jamesrandi
Stream The Sunday Show, ya dirty heathens. Or don't, you can watch later.
#calltheline #skeptics #atheists #jimmysnow #mattdillahunty
The bloke is an absolute wanker! So sure of his intelligence, yet so incomparably ignorant, it hurts.
It takes "supernatural intervention" to stop smoking? That some folks who take psilocybin and have an "experience", thereafter giving up smoking, are EVIDENCE of this?
Shit he's an idiot.
#JordanPeterson #MattDillahunty #Smoking #Psilocybin #MagicMushrooms #DunningKruger
#jordanpeterson #mattdillahunty #smoking #psilocybin #magicmushrooms #dunningkruger
I'm listening to old AXP shows while I work. This call at the end of a 2014 show is excellent!
#AtheistExperience #AXP #MattDillahunty #JenPeeples
#jenpeeples #mattdillahunty #axp #atheistexperience
Watching "The Sunday Show" #atheists #skeptics #TheSundayShow #JimmySnow #MattDillahunty #CallTheLine
#calltheline #mattdillahunty #jimmysnow #TheSundayShow #skeptics #atheists
It's an Xmas miracle! SIX HOURS OF ATHEISTS! #MattDillahunty #AronRa etc etc etc. #CallTheLine
#calltheline #aronra #mattdillahunty
There is now a photo of #MattDillahunty next to the word "frustrated" in ALL dictionaries. This "debate" with a #Muslim is somehow both hilarious and tragic, creepy and enlightening.
#Atheism #Atheist #AntiTheist and #MOTHERFUCKER
Q: Has @MattDillahunty gotten his funny ass over here to meet #JohnMastodon yet?
#mattdillahunty #muslim #atheism #atheist #antitheist #motherfucker #johnmastodon
Starting soon! "What do you believe and why?"
#SundayShow #MattDillahunty #JimmySnow #Atheists #Skeptics #Religion #Faith
#faith #Religion #skeptics #atheists #jimmysnow #mattdillahunty #sundayshow
#Christian Caller Asks #MattDillahunty About His #Atheist #God - Funny Classic #AtheistExperience Call
#christian #mattdillahunty #atheist #god #atheistexperience
Starting at the top of the hour! #SundayShow #MattDillahunty #MrAtheist #atheists
"What do you believe and WHY?"
#atheists #mratheist #mattdillahunty #sundayshow
Starting now! #TheSundayShow #MattDillahunty #MrAtheist
#mratheist #mattdillahunty #TheSundayShow
Starting now! #TheSundayShow #TheLine #MattDillahunty #JimmySnow #MisterAtheist #Atheists
#atheists #misteratheist #jimmysnow #mattdillahunty #TheLine #TheSundayShow