I've just received this fantastic edition of one of my favourite Arthurian tales, both in middle English and translated in modern English. This book will have been read by the end of my Easter weekend. #SirGawainandtheGreenKnight #agrégation #arthuriana #MatterofBritain
#matterofbritain #Arthuriana #agregation #sirgawainandthegreenknight
I've just received this fantastic edition of one of my favourite Arthurian tales, both in middle English and translated in modern English. This book will have been read by the end of my Easter weekend. #SirGawainandtheGreenKnight #agrégation #arthuriana #MatterofBritain
#SirGawainAndTheGreenKnight #agregation #arthuriana #matterofbritain
In wandering around Wikipedia about Arthurian topics, I stumbled upon a play about Vortigern and Rowena that was a forged “lost” Shakespeare play.
I am mildly fascinated by it, but can’t say if it’s any good.
#matterofbritain #forgery #shakespeare #plays #arthuriana