33 years ago:
Short Time
As a result of a misdiagnosis, Detective Burt Simpson is told he has just weeks to live. He gains a new respect for his life and loved ones but learns that in order for his wife, Carolyn, and son, Dougie, to collect any insurance money, he must be killed in the line of duty. He then becomes the most...
#ShortTime #DabneyColeman #MattFrewer #TeriGarr #20thCenturyFox #ClassicMovies
#shorttime #dabneycoleman #mattfrewer #terigarr #20thcenturyfox #classicmovies
36 years ago today:
Max Headroom
S1E3: Body Banks
Breughel and Mahler are stealing live bodies from the Fringes and selling them to Nightingales Body Bank. The wealthy Plantaganet wants pituitarys from the bodies for an operation which could save his aging mother. While Carter races to save a Fringer girl's life, Cheviot is more concerned that Max ...
Airdate: 1987-04-14
#MaxHeadroom #MattFrewer #ABC #ClassicTV
#maxheadroom #mattfrewer #abc #classictv
38 years ago:
Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future (UK)
While trying to expose corruption and greed, television reporter Edison Carter discovers that his employer, Network 23, has created a new form of subliminal advertising (termed "blip-verts") that can be fatal to certain viewers.
#MaxHeadroom20MinutesintotheFuture #AnnabelJankel #MattFrewer #AmandaPays #WilliamMorganSheppard #WomenInFilm #SciFi #Film
#maxheadroom20minutesintothefuture #annabeljankel #mattfrewer #amandapays #WilliamMorganSheppard #womeninfilm #scifi #film
Remember when three of Jim Carrey's 1994 blockbuster comedies were turned into 1995 animated series?
#ToonTuesday #TuneTuesday #Cartoons #TheMask #AceVenturaPetDetective #DumbAndDumber #JimCarrey #RobPaulsen #MichaelDangerfield #MattFrewer
#toontuesday #tunetuesday #cartoons #themask #aceventurapetdetective #dumbanddumber #jimcarrey #robpaulsen #michaeldangerfield #mattfrewer
MAX HEADROOM kommt zurück
Ich bin mir unsicher, wie viele Personen sich in Deutschland noch an die cheesy Fernsehserie MAX HEADROM erinnern ... Die lief in den Jahren 1988 und 1989 ...
#Film,TV&Stream #ChristopherCantwell #MattFrewer #MaxHeadroom #Reboot
#reboot #maxheadroom #mattfrewer #christophercantwell #film
Max Headroom Looks to Catch the Wave of '80s Nostalgia With a TV Reboot https://gizmodo.com/max-headroom-matt-frewer-elijah-wood-amc-reboot-series-1849349153 #entertainment2cculture #20minutesintothefuture #loveyoulikealovesong #christophercantwell #creativeworks #maxheadroom #selenagomez #amcnetworks #mattfrewer #massmedia #headroom #actors
#entertainment2cculture #20minutesintothefuture #loveyoulikealovesong #christophercantwell #creativeworks #maxheadroom #selenagomez #amcnetworks #mattfrewer #massmedia #headroom #actors