Exiled MP Moira Deeming delivers ultimatum to Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto
My opinion is that John Pesutto is a gutless fool, and Moira Deeming should have been kicked-out of the Liberal Party for being a TERF and neo-nazi. Matthew "Lobster With A Mobster" Guy has always lacked the nouse to read the room, so it's no surprise at all that he's calling for "party unity" to defend a colleague who's a TERF and neo-nazi. Right now, Moira Deeming is doing what Moira Deeming does: having a tantrum to get noticed because she's an attention-starved egomaniac.
#Auspol #SpringSt #TERF #MoiraDeeming #Deeming #JohnPesutto #Pesutto #MatthewGuy #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspol #springst #terf #moiradeeming #deeming #johnpesutto #pesutto #matthewguy #lobsterwithamobster
Lights, cameras, action https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/02/09/chinese-surveillance-equipment-government-buildings/ #chinesesurveillance #queenslandcoalmines #environmentallaw #MalcolmTurnbull #TanyaPlibersek #JamesPaterson #RichardMarles #ClivePalmer #nicolagobbo #PaulKeating #PetaCredlin #CrikeyWorm #MatthewGuy #TonyAbbott #words_2200 #Unlocked #LawyerX #auspol #AUKUS
#chinesesurveillance #queenslandcoalmines #environmentallaw #malcolmturnbull #tanyaplibersek #jamespaterson #richardmarles #clivepalmer #nicolagobbo #paulkeating #petacredlin #crikeyworm #matthewguy #tonyabbott #words_2200 #unlocked #lawyerx #auspol #aukus
Hopefully the mis-tags on that other site will drop off again now:
#Victoria #MatthewGuy #IAmTheRealMatthewGuy #Australia #Auspol
#victoria #matthewguy #iamtherealmatthewguy #australia #auspol
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/nov/26/labors-daniel-andrews-to-be-returned-as-premier-in-2022-victoria-state-election-as-coalition-vote-stalls please explain to me Melbourne media how the LNP was “closing the gap” when their primary vote fell below 30%. Weeks of coverage (despite Gallup giving Labor a clear lead of 55% preferred party right up to today) of false hope & spin that had #MatthewGuy becoming premier? Where are those headlines now? 🙄😬🤭🤣 #Labor #LaborWins #VictorianLabor #VictorianElection #MurdochOut #MurdochGutterPress
#matthewguy #labor #laborwins #victorianlabor #victorianelection #murdochout #murdochgutterpress
RT @KleinRevd@twitter.com
The #LNP has to lie and rort at every opportunity because the truth is far to ugly. A vote for #MatthewGuy 🦞is a vote for the destruction of Victoria. There is no herd immunity for the suffering caused by the LNP coalition.
Guys mentors, Howard and Kennett. 🤬
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KleinRevd/status/1596181210820407297
RT @c_s_wallace@twitter.com
#MatthewGuy, a Morrison-like shovel-leaner says @juliahbanks@twitter.com, correctly… #vicpol #auspol https://twitter.com/juliahbanks/status/1595961092270100480
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/c_s_wallace/status/1595962571328483328