IF THE SHOE FITS: Ben Affleck's movie about the creation of the Nike Air Jordan isn't just about big business. 'Air' with Matt Damon, Viola Davis & Chris Tucker actually follows the beats of a heist movie, as Pomona discovers.. https://loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/2023/04/if-shoe-fits-air.html #cinema #nike #basketball #air #movie #sports #business #entertainment #athletes #marketing #shoe #film #sportswear #heistmovie #risktaking #gamble #mattdamon #violadavis #benaffleck #jasonbateman #christucker #chrismessina #matthewmaher
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Film Review: AIR (2023): Matt Damon Shoots and Scores in Ben Affleck’s Excellent Crowd-Pleaser
#FilmBook #MovieReview #Air #AlMadrigal #AlexConvery #AmazonStudios #ArtistsEquity #AsanteDeshon #BarbaraSukowa #BenAffleck #BillySmith #ChrisMessina #ChrisTucker #DamianDelanoYoung #GustafSkarsgard #JasonBateman #JayMohr #JoelGretsch #MarlonWayans #MattDamon #MatthewMaher #MichaelO'Ne
#filmbook #moviereview #air #almadrigal #alexconvery #amazonstudios #artistsequity #asantedeshon #barbarasukowa #benaffleck #billysmith #chrismessina #christucker #damiandelanoyoung #gustafskarsgard #jasonbateman #jaymohr #joelgretsch #marlonwayans #mattdamon #matthewmaher #michaelo
HELLO TOMORROW! (2023) TV Show Trailer: Traveling Salesman Billy Crudup Wants to Sell You a Lunar Timeshare [Apple TV+]
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #AlisonPill #AppleTVPlus #BillyCrudup #DewshaneWilliams #HaneefahWood #HankAzaria #HelloTomorrow! #MatthewMaher #NicholasPodany #TVShowTrailer
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