Gizmodo: AI Study Says Sometimes It’s Good When Executives Act Like Robots #applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #businessfinance #mattlevine #chatbot #chatgpt #openai #ai
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #businessfinance #mattlevine #chatbot #chatgpt #openai #ai
@billyjoebowers @memory Matt Levine, yesterday:
If I told you that US venture capitalists promoted a Ponzi scheme that used a cartoon computer game to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from poor workers in the Philippines and send it to North Korea to fund a ballistic missile program, you probably wouldn’t believe me. Unless I said “… using crypto,” in which case you would probably say “oh yeah that sounds about right.”