Hurra, am 21.02.2023 ist das neue Buch von #MattRuff erschienen: The Destroyer of Worlds
Habt ihr das schon? Kann ich das hier bestellen? (Englische Ausgabe...)
#mattruff #ichliebebucherleseaberleidervielzuwenig
Visit #MattRuff's site for more info about all of his books, his blog, & more — https://bymattruff.com — and go listen to our 2017 and 2020 conversations at
http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-229-matt-ruff &
Let's celebrate #MattRuff's pub-day with a brand-new #podcast! Matt rejoins the show to talk about THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS (Harper)), his return to #LovecraftCountry, the avoidance of fan-service, & a LOT more! Go listen! http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-527-matt-ruff
#mattruff #podcast #lovecraftcountry
While I edit last week's #podcast-session w/#JamesMcMullan & prep for tomorrow's with #MattRuff, you oughtta go listen to some of my recent episodes, feat.
#PaulBRainey http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-525-paul-b-rainey
#ThomasWoodruff http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-524-thomas-woodruff
#DawnRaffel http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-523-dawn-raffel
#RossBenjamin http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-522-ross-benjamin
#podcast #mattruff #paulbrainey #thomaswoodruff #dawnraffel #rossbenjamin #books #art #comics #kafka #opera #italocalvino
I rarely reread books but Fool on the Hill is an old favorite; first read when I was 19 or 20, loved it, reread a couple of times in my 20s. #MattRuff became a favorite author and I've read and enjoyed most of his subsequent novels.
I decided to reread Fool again (after enjoying Tomorrow X3) and what a difference 30 years makes! I still love it and would still recommend it to aspiring writers, but it's definitely an artifact of the 80s, and definitely a first novel.
#mattruff #bookstodon #amreading
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon Some of mine: #TochiOnyebuchi #HarukiMurakami #LindsayEllis #GradyHendrix #MattRuff #LilahSturges #StephenKing
#bookstodon #tochionyebuchi #harukimurakami #lindsayellis #gradyhendrix #mattruff #lilahsturges #stephenking
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon Some of mine: #LindsayEllis #StephenKing #TochiOnyebuchi #GradyHendrix #MattRuff #LilahSturges
#bookstodon #lindsayellis #stephenking #tochionyebuchi #gradyhendrix #mattruff #lilahsturges
Lovecraft Country: nel paese dei mostri razzisti https://www.carmillaonline.com/2020/11/09/lovecraft-country-nel-paese-dei-mostri-razzisti/ #musicaeculturaafro-americana #LovecraftCountry #H.P.Lovecraft #JordanPeele #MishaGreen #WeirdTales #Cinema&tv #MattRuff #razzismo #pulp
#musicaeculturaafro #lovecraftcountry #h #jordanpeele #MishaGreen #WeirdTales #cinema #mattruff #razzismo #pulp