But beyond this (real, non-imaginary, not manufactured conflict of interest), Corley's judgment and her remarks in court were *inexcusably* bad, as #MattStoller writes:
In her ruling, Corley explained that she didn't think Microsoft would abuse the market dominance they'd gain by merging their giant videogame platform and studio with one of its largest competitors. Why not? Because Microsoft's execs pinky-swore that they wouldn't abuse that power.
In support of this proposition, deliverism's critics point to Obamacare, lauding it as a policy that made Americans better off, but still failed to win enough support for the Dems to defeat Trump at the end of Obama's second term.
In their rebuttal in *#TheAmericanProspect*, @ddayen and #MattStoller point out that for most Americans, Obamacare *didn't* produce any improvement to their health care.
#theamericanprospect #mattstoller
"Monopolists are politically oriented... Monopolists don’t have to think about rivals, they instead worry about government."
#mattstoller #monopoly #corruption
"Since the fall of FTX last month, crypto proponents have attempted to shift blame from their own actions and pin responsibility for the collapse on Gensler, a move intended to undermine robust regulation. This sets the record straight and shows that Gensler’s actions helped contain the crypto meltdown and protect the real economy."
#ShahidNaeem, #ErikPeinert and #MattStoller, 2022
#finance #regulation #crypto CryptoCurrency #AELP #EconomicLiberties
#shahidnaeem #erikpeinert #mattstoller #finance #regulation #crypto #aelp #economicliberties
As #MattStoller writes, SVB extended below-cost loans to insiders as part of its "white-glove" service, promised depositors personal audiences with top tier VCs each time they deposited $100m. All of this created the utterly foreseeable, absolutely preventable systemic risk that the public is now bailing out, to the tune of $175b.
Spirit's shares are in the toilet. Writing in his BIG newsletter, #MattStoller explains why shareholders are bolting for the doors: the case against the Jetblue/Spirit merger is *incredibly* strong. A slam-dunk, even:
Spirit, after all, is America's most famous budget airline. That means that it attracts fliers by undercutting the Big Four.
“How Equifax Became a Private IRS -
At a Goldman Sachs conference in December, Equifax CEO Mark Begor told investors that his company has a monopoly in an obscure but important area - selling data about your salary to third parties.”
#News #Equifax #MattStoller #Substack #MattStoller #Politics #Monopoly #Business #Antitrust
#antitrust #business #monopoly #politics #substack #mattstoller #equifax #news
“How Equifax Became a Private IRS -
At a Goldman Sachs conference in December, Equifax CEO Mark Begor told investors that his company has a monopoly in an obscure but important area - selling data about your salary to third parties.”
#mattstoller #substack #equifax #news
AxisofEasy Salon #27: Will the Network State be capable of acting in the public good?
#AndryGrove #BillOttman #BTLR #CharlesHughSmith #CLIME #Intel #JesseHirsh #Jitsi #MarkE.Jeftovic #MattStoller #Minds.com #MurdochMysteries #Tucows
#tucows #murdochmysteries #minds #mattstoller #marke #jitsi #jessehirsh #intel #clime #charleshughsmith #btlr #billottman #andrygrove