P164 - Building | Total Massacre
Fight Like Ida B & Marsha P | Ric Wilson :
What Did You Drag Me Into? | Flamy Grant : Bible Belt Baby
Building from the Bottom (feat. Speech, 1 Love, Configa & 4-IZE) | Arrested Development : For The FKN Love
Time to Build | Beastie Boys : To the 5 Boroughs
Build us something more | Matt Hill : Return of the Idle Drones
Strike Till We Win, Build Solar, Build Wind | Mat Ward : Why I Protest
All we want is to create voluntary combinations | Utah Phillips : Making Speech Free
Border Wall | Total Massacre : The System Works...
American Carnage | Total Massacre : The System Works...
Get Rich or Try Dying | Total Massacre :
Antifascist | Total Massacre : The System Works...
Let it Burn | Jessye DeSilva : Renovations
To Keep the World We Know | Bruce Cockburn : O Sun O Moon
#TotalMassacre #RicWilson #FlamyGrant #ArrestedDevelopment #BeastieBoys #MattHill #MatWard #UtahPhillips #JessyeDeSilva #BruceCockburn
#Music #politicalmusic #TotalMassacre #ricwilson #flamygrant #arresteddevelopment #beastieboys #matthill #matward #UtahPhillips #jessyedesilva #brucecockburn
@jaawerth @josh @bandcampunited
Workers United
An eight-hour day, yearly vacations
Minimum pay, in line with inflation
All these things would not exist
If it weren't for unions
Parental leave, penalty rates
Reduced powers to terminate
These things would not be here today
Without the power of unity
The workers united will never be defeated
The workers united will never be defeated
#matward #Music #politicalmusic #union
#MatWard makes music and has a monthly column of #PoliticalMusic
#Polyrical is a podcast of political music
#ongoinghistoryofprotestmusic #matward #politicalmusic #polyrical #TheCoup #GracePetrie #billybragg #JesseJett #lowkey #malvinareynolds #crysmatthews #bobvylan #commonerschoir #Chumbawamba #thatruth #SOLE #leereed #UtahPhillips #davidrovics #buffysaintemarie #evangreer #ryanharvey #annefeeney #thirdroot #pavlovshouse
They keep on pushing time
They keep on pushing limits
They keep on pushing blah
They keep on pushing bullshit
You've just gotta have some hope, keep on pushing back
First single from new album "Climate Wars", free download.
#matward #Music #politicalmusic #bandcamp