Community #Seder was actually quite enjoyable and I got to sit at a table with people I know — and like! Who wore masks! The food was good, too. No burnt-taste #matzoh in sight. PLUS our community is attracting and keeping more #nonbinary people, and it is just an absolute joy to be one of many now. 💜
Last two days for enjoying #chametz! My shul made it possible to sell ours this year through #MishkanChicago. My chickens still get to eat! 🤣
Yeah, that is avocado toast on challah — WITH cheese. I caved the other day. 🙄 My mom gave me a block of beer cheddar and I fell off the cheeseless wagon. I’ll go cold turkey off dairy again after #Pesach. Cream cheese on #matzoh is kinda a staple for me to survive the week.
These #Brewdog NA beers are tasty, though!
#brewdog #matzoh #pesach #mishkanchicago #chametz
Just in time for Passover: my Improved Matzoh Ball Soup recipe.
#matzoh #passover #jewishfood #soup
gonna make our matzoh crack tomorrow.
If you have had matzoh candy (choco covered matzoh) you know why we call it matzoh crack! If you have never had any, you are missing the most addicting sweet to eat during Passover...
Have some with your fav drink in this mug
#BuyIntoArt #Passover #Pesach #Matzoh #Jewish #JewishTwitter #JewishGifts
#jewishgifts #jewishtwitter #jewish #matzoh #pesach #passover #buyintoart
Cracking the code of the modern matzah
Less than a week till Passover Seder!
Got this tray for my matzoh and my matzah and my matza and my matzo!
You can get it too, and Society6 has a 40% sale right now on it too!
#BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #Passover #Pesach #Seder #Jewish #JewishGifts #JewishHoliday #Matzoh #Matzah #Matza #Matzo #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewniverse #Mazeldon #matzo #matza #matzah #matzoh #jewishholiday #jewishgifts #jewish #seder #pesach #passover #springintoart #buyintoart
how cool is this water bottle with out original Jewish star design filled with 18 hearts?
#BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #Passover #Seder #Matzoh #Yiddish #YiddishGifts #Jewish #JewishGifts #NJG #NJB #Bubbie #Zayde #Israel #Hebrew #Shalom #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewniverse #Mazeldon #shalom #hebrew #israel #zayde #bubbie #NJB #njg #jewishgifts #jewish #yiddishgifts #yiddish #matzoh #seder #passover #springintoart #buyintoart
Passover is coming!
This design is "kosher" all year but especially funny for Passover...
You know the tune, sing it with me, Matzoh Matzoh Man (I've got to be a Matzoh Man)
available on that online behemoth, but at least that means free Prime shipping!
#BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #Passover #Seder #Matzoh #BreadofAffliction #Yiddish #YiddishGifts #Jewish #JewishGifts #NJG #NJB #Bubbie #Zayde #Israel #Hebrew #Shalom #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewniverse #Mazeldon #shalom #hebrew #israel #zayde #bubbie #NJB #njg #jewishgifts #jewish #yiddishgifts #yiddish #breadofaffliction #matzoh #seder #passover #springintoart #buyintoart
get ready for your Seder -- perfect gift for the Afikomen reward!
(FYI afikomen is a special piece of matzoh that is hidden during the festive Passover meal, and the Seder cannot continue until it is found -- and usually the finder gets a prize!)
Only $15.98 plus free prime shipping
#BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #Passover #Seder #Matzoh #BreadofAffliction #Yiddish #YiddishGifts #Jewish #JewishGifts #NJG #NJB #Bubbie #Zayde #Israel #Hebrew #Shalom #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewniverse #Mazeldon #shalom #hebrew #israel #zayde #bubbie #NJB #njg #jewishgifts #jewish #yiddishgifts #yiddish #breadofaffliction #matzoh #seder #passover #springintoart #buyintoart
3 more weeks till Seder!
This awesome matzoh (-- or is it matza? or is it matzah? or is it matzo?) serving tray would make your Passover table complete!
#BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #Passover #Seder #Matzoh #BreadofAffliction #Yiddish #YiddishGifts #Jewish #JewishGifts #NJG #NJB #Bubbie #Zayde #Israel #Hebrew #Shalom #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewniverse #Mazeldon #shalom #hebrew #israel #zayde #bubbie #NJB #njg #jewishgifts #jewish #yiddishgifts #yiddish #breadofaffliction #matzoh #seder #passover #springintoart #buyintoart