at volcanoes national park on the island of hawai'i, you can be standing near the summit of one volcano (kilauea), and if the clouds clear at just the right moment, you'll see in the distance an even *taller & larger* volcano: mauna loa.
these volcanoes! it's an incredibly powerful thing to behold, especially when you realize that they rose up from under the ocean... it demands respect. respect: granted!
#NPS #hawaii #volcano #kilauea #MaunaLoa #nature #environment
#nps #hawaii #volcano #kilauea #maunaloa #nature #environment
If you want to know how to help victims of the #wildfires on #Maui, here are some local organizations being suggested (note that Red Cross is not well received due to their withholding of support when the #MaunaLoa on the Big Island erupted in lava flow):
I just learned that the #maunaloa #eruption of 2022 took out large parts of the only road as well as the power lines. 200 long-term #observation records have been interrupted and only ~10 have been resumed with emergency solar power. The others will be offline for many more months.
It is not so easy to rebuild the road. First of all, it is covered under 10-12 meters of solid lava. Secondly. this lava is still ~100 °C near the surface and up to ~700 °C several meters below.
#observation #eruption #maunaloa
@breadandcircuses the #Methane #CH4 data from #MaunaLoa is equally, if not more disturbing
#CO2 #klimakrise #klimaschutz #klimawandel #keelingcurve #Keeling #MaunaLoa #MLO
Die #KeelingKurve steigt weiter. Der monatliche Mittelwert für Mai stellt einen neuen Rekord dar und liegt 3 ppm über dem Wert des letzten Jahres.
Die ab 1958 approximierte Kurve zeigt keine signifikante Änderung des Anstieges in den letzten Jahren. Der CO₂-Anstieg von 3 ppm liegt sehr nahe am erwarteten Wert.
Dass Maßnahmen zur CO₂-Reduktion etwas bewirkt hätten, ist aus der Kurve nicht erkennbar.
#co2 #klimakrise #klimaschutz #klimawandel #keelingcurve #keeling #maunaloa #mlo #KeelingKurve
👋🏽 #Climate mastodon, a question.
Is it normal to have such low #CO2 value, 393ppm, center of Paris at 8 am?
Is it in the range of natural daily variations?
Or is our #CO2 tester having a problem?
Yesterday mean in #MaunaLoa was 424ppm, with variations of only few ppm over the day.
Der #Journalist Richard Schmitt vom hat keine Ahnung von den CO₂-#Messstationen am #MaunaLoa und von Recherche hat. Der Mauna Loa ist ein #Vulkan auf einer Insel im #Pazifik.
Aufgrund des Vulkanausbruches stammen die Daten seit Dezember 2022 nicht von der Station MLO, sondern von der 34 km entfernten Station MKO; #MaunuaKea.
Der Ausstoss kommt daher weniger vom Vulkan.
Außerdem sind die Werte auch an anderen Messstationen gestiegen.
#journalist #Messstationen #maunaloa #Vulkan #Pazifik #maunuakea
📈 Nouveau record de concentration de C02 dans l'atmosphère la semaine dernière station de #MaunaLoa @Noaa
Le premier jour de son exploitation en mars 1958 : 313ppm
01/05 : 424.45 ppm
30/04 : 424.49 ppm
29/04 : 424.48 ppm
🔴 28/04 : 425.01 ppm 🔴
27/04 : 424.58 ppm
RT @WMO: Mauna Loa is WMO Global Atmosphere Watch benchmark station and monitors rising CO2 levels Week of 23 April 2023: 424.40 parts per million Weekly value one year ago: 420.19 ppm Weekly value 10 years ago: 399.32 ppm 📷 http://co2.earthhttps// #ClimateChange
[02/05 15:48] #maunaloa #wagnergroep #prigozjin Zondag 30-04-2023 Van de week steeg de concentratie van CO2 in de atmosfeer, gemeten op de helling van de berg Mauna Loa in Hawaii, voor het eerst uit boven 425 ppm. Dat is 800.000 jaar lang niet gebeurd.
Het gist in de sociale media van speculaties over de toenemende rivaliteit tussen de top van het Russische leger en de Wagnergroep. De Russische president Poetin zou..
#prigozjin #wagnergroep #maunaloa #opwarming #AHC #ElNino #maunaloa Woensdag 19-04-2023 Over de versnelling in de opwarming van het noordpoolgebied - de arctische amplificatie - heb ik vaak bericht. Die maakt het verschil in temperatuur tussen de polen en de evenaar steeds kleiner. In het op hol geslagen broeikaseffect op de planeet Venus is dat verschil zelfs helemaal weg. De temperaturen zijn daar isotherm. In de registraties van de AHC (Atmospheric Heat Content) lijkt..
#maunaloa #ElNino #ahc #opwarming
#ClimateDiary 17th April 2023. Record temperatures in #China; #Bengal’s Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announcing all schools will be closed next week due to #Heatwave (and indeed #Kolkata forecast v hot); #MaunaLoa research station recording 425.8 ppm CO2 - the highest ever. Meanwhile more #FossilFuel projects given green light
#ClimateDiary #china #bengal #heatwave #kolkata #maunaloa #fossilfuel
Je suis né à 331 ppm de CO2 dans l’atmosphère,
maintenant il y en a 419,
et en gros on en ajoute 3 par an.
J'ai toujours trouvé assez dramatique cette façon de dire sa "date de naissance", aujourd'hui j'ai décidé de l'indiquer dans ma bio. WOW much activism.
Pour savoir à combien de ppm vous êtes né·e, il y a un graphique interactif des mesures de Mauna Loa ici :
What petrologists learned about #MaunaLoa: 2022 eruption fed by homogenous magma, likely a new intrusion in months prior to eruption. Nearly crystal-free, low-MgO eruption not influenced by rift-stored magma leftover from 1984. More in #VolcanoWatch:…
Comparing #MaunaLoa 1984 to 2022: scientists & citizens awakened from slumber, similar seismicity, glow from summit, migration to NERZ. For both, no significant impacts to infrastructure. #HVO appreciates community awareness & preparedness. #VolcanoWatch…
#HVO gas team shifts gear, driving ~3,000 miles (4,800 km) with a vehicle-mounted ultraviolet spectrometer to measure SO2 emission rates during #MaunaLoa eruption. Driving pays off. HVO reports emission rates to the public & vog forecasters. #VolcanoWatch:…
Watching the sun set over #MaunaLoa with two of my three favorite kids last September.
Atmospheric CO2 monitoring continues despite Mauna Loa volcanic disruption
The ongoing #volcanic eruption at #MaunaLoa in #Hawaii has caused the Mauna Loa Observatory (#MLO) data series to be temporarily interrupted since November 29. But this does not mean that atmospheric #CO2 monitoring has not been interrupted.
#volcanic #maunaloa #hawaii #mlo #co2 #climatescience
The largest Shield #Volcano isn’t #MaunaLoa… but #Pūhāhonu…
RT @i_ameztoy: While #MaunaLoa ↖️ replaced its recent activity with some snow, now its turn of #Kilauea #volcano ➡️🌋 Both together offer this awesome @CopernicusEU #Sentinel2 🛰️ image 2023-01-07. "No indication lava will flow out of crater" @USGS #Hawaii
Full Size: 🧐
#maunaloa #Kilauea #volcano #Sentinel2 #hawaii
@BruceMirken thinking #MaunaLoa isn’t far behind.
And if you have been following the lava bed inside #Halemaʻumaʻu #caldera… the inflation it has had just since July… and now it continues to inflate… makes for some interesting times…
#maunaloa #halemaʻumaʻu #caldera