104 years ago:
Song of the Scarlet Flower (SE)
Original title: Sången om den eldröda blomman
The son of a wealthy farmer loves a simple maid, for which he's booted out of the house by his father.
#SongoftheScarletFlower #MauritzStiller #NilsLundell #SvenskFilm #Film
#songofthescarletflower #mauritzstiller #nilslundell #svenskfilm #film
99 years ago:
The Saga of Gosta Berling (SE)
Original title: Gösta Berlings saga
Gösta Berling is a young and attractive minister. Because of his alcoholism and his daring sermons, he is finally defrocked. He becomes a tutor of countess Marta's stepdaughter and they fall in love. But the countess has a plan of her own.
#TheSagaofGostaBerling #MauritzStiller #GretaGarbo #SvenskFilmindustri #SF #SvenskFilm #Film
#thesagaofgostaberling #mauritzstiller #gretagarbo #svenskfilmindustri #sf #svenskfilm #film
102 years ago:
Johan (SE)
On a farm in up-country Sweden, an enigmatic stranger comes to a conservative peasant community and seduces a farmer's wife. -IMDB
#Johan #MauritzStiller #SvenskFilmindustri #SF #ClassicFilm #SvenskFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#johan #mauritzstiller #svenskfilmindustri #sf #classicfilm #svenskfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Il 18 gennaio del 1948 moriva Charles Magnusson, il produttore svedese che portò al cinema Mauritz Stiller. Il resto è storia, purtroppo dimenticata...
#18gennaio #accaddeoggi #cinema #movie #film #mauritzstiller #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmphoto
#18gennaio #accaddeoggi #cinema #movie #film #mauritzstiller #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmphoto