The #PCM5102 also arrived and this one is even worse than #MAX98357. At least the 98357 accurately describes itself as a DAC + Class D amp. The 5102 just says it is a DAC but is also a Class D amp.
I guess the "generate waveforms" part of this project is on hold until next week. Instead, I can work on software I need to hook up all the bits.
OK, the #max98357 is working and it's if anything even more useless for my purpose than I thought.
I was looking for a #DAC and got a DAC, but with a Class D #amp on the end of it. After I placed the order, I learned "Class D amp" means "this signal is only useful going directly to a speaker".
I'm just going to chuck these in a bin and never use them for anything again. Oooh, I'll play with the wifi/bluetooth on the #esp32 board while I wait for my "programmable waveform generators" to arrive.
OK, the #max98357 is working and it's if anything even more useless and stupid than I was led to believe, which is pretty useless and stupid.
I mean, it doesn't technically say right on it that it's a Class D amp, not a #DAC. So I guess this is my fault. Which I realize!
I'm just going to chuck these in a bin and never use them for anything again. Oooh, I'll play with the wifi/bluetooth on the #esp32 board while I wait for my "programmable waveform generators" to arrive.
Even with the #esp32 board working how I expect, the #i2s #max98357 isn't. I don't think I even want to use this board, but the one I want doesn't arrive until Monday.
I wonder if I blew the board somehow while I had things hooked up wrong. It came with 3 units, I should try another one I guess.