by #MaxGraham in @grist:
"A new study shows that cutting down trees for paper, furniture, and fuel emits three times more carbon than flying."
#wood #climate #logging #emissions #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #carbon #GlobalWarming #environment #Grist
#maxgraham #wood #climate #logging #emissions #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #carbon #globalwarming #environment #Grist
by #MaxGraham in @grist
"The world broke an all-time heat record this week — twice. For two days in a row, the planet’s daily temperature soared to the highest ever measured by humans, according to data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Earth’s thermostat touched a record 62.62 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday, then inched up to 62.92 degrees Fahrenheit (17.18 degrees Celsius) on Tuesday."
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #climate #GlobalWarming #ExtremeWeather #temperature #Grist
#maxgraham #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #ClimateChange #climate #globalwarming #extremeweather #temperature #Grist
by #MaxGraham in @grist:
"The United States could save 89,000 lives and nearly $1 trillion in health costs by mid-century if drivers stop buying conventional combustion-engine cars and if the country cleans up its power grid by 2035, the organization found."
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #environment #PowerGrid #ElectricCars #AmericanLungAssociation #gasoline #asthma #pollution #EPA
#maxgraham #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #environment #powergrid #electriccars #americanlungassociation #gasoline #asthma #pollution #epa