Martin Vermeer FCD · @martinvermeer
324 followers · 7004 posts · Server

@lynn @lassielmr @zleap @DidiQ In Dutch history in high school, also slavery and the Native American genocide were discussed, though never at that level of detail. Yes, lynchings, Jim Crow, Trail of Tears all referred to. And in the Netherlands we had our own ugly history, discussed in literature class. Unpleasant, but quite the opposite of harmful.

#genocide #slavery #maxhavelaar

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin Vermeer FCD · @martinvermeer
297 followers · 5359 posts · Server

@Debnumbers @mekkaokereke Hmm. I grew up in the in a solidly white society. Not until high school did I meet darker-skinned people from . Now NL never had slavery like the US, but that doesn't make us innocent: there was a corporation called the who 'owned' - even having their own military - and ran it essentially like a plantation. Dutch prosperity was built on this exploitation. So yes, ...

#maxhavelaar #colonialism #whiteprivilege #indonesia #voc #suriname #netherlands

Last updated 2 years ago

ESS et société · @ressol
533 followers · 2386 posts · Server

Donnons les moyens aux Français de consommer davantage d’équitable

#équitable #pfce #maxhavelaar

Last updated 8 years ago