At one time, Eugene Delacroix warned that you should not mix more than three colors at once. The color address is lost, it is easy to lose the essence of the goal for which everything was started.
#maximkantor #eugenedelacroix #art #mastoart #painting
The art of Lucian Freud is, of course, humanistic art: in the center of it is a person - human destiny. But this is pessimistic humanism, this is a denial of the role of man in history. Man, according to Freud, is an endangered species, a consumable.
#maximkantor #art #lucianfreud #painting #mastoart
In 1947, Georges Rouault burned 315 of his 700 paintings in the presence of a notary; burned because he did not consider them worthy of the plan.
#maximkantor #georgesrouault #art #mastoart #history
Salon painting is always a shadow of humanistic art, it is what happens when a personal statement is adapted for the market, for mass production, when the intimate becomes a style.
#maximkantor #art #book #quote #salonpaiting
Fauvist artist Maurice Vlaminck, who collaborated with the occupying (fascist) authorities, published an article against Picasso. He reproached the foreigner Picasso for damaging national French painting in favor of transnational dubious values.
#maximkantor #mauricedevlaminck #pablopicasso #art #history
The Moscow school of painting submit the aesthetics of Russia, just as Moscowia occupied the rest of country. At the end of the 19th century, the passions and techniques of the Moscow school spread to all Russian art. A dull gray and brown tone also spread - it's was the color of truth. Reality is gray-brown, and the weather in Russia bad, so painting, if it is true, should be gray-brown. Russian realists worked with this pathos.
#maximkantor #art #painting #mastoart #russianart
In the post-war years, Picasso painted a huge number of replicas of the paintings of his predecessors. It's literally impossible to call it replicas. For example - he draws a replica of Manet's "Breakfast on the Grass", but Manet himself wrote a replica of Giorgione's painting in this picture, and he wrote it, as you know, according to a sketch by Titian, but in general the plot was taken from a Greek vase.
#art #pablopicasso #edouardmanet #painting #mastoart
#maximkantor #art #pablopicasso #edouardmanet #painting #mastoart
The late Picasso no longer paints; it no longer fuses colors together, it just coloring objects, it denotes the colors of an object: this is red, this is green. The language of the picture looks naive (somebody tried to interpret its simplicity through a return to the simplicity of the child). However, there is no naivety in this language. To draw like a child does not mean to draw primitively, without knowledge of the subject. This means - to draw in essence.
#maximkantor #pablopicasso #art
The slaves of Rome and the serfs of Russia did not have the right to organize their personal lives the way they wanted. The moral image, condemned at the party meetings of the Bolsheviks or fascists, in reality, worried the meetings a little. Many inhuman acts were allowed, but to experience an uncontrollable feeling of love was forbidden.
#maximkantor #book #love #fascist #politics
The love in "Doctor Zhivago" and in Mikhail Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita", the love of the heroes of Mayakovsky, Hemingway and Orwell, is determined contrary to the directives of the century. Contrary to public morality as well. Love was all the more acute because it was accompanied by the fear of non-existence.
#book #literature #MikhailBulgakov #borisPasternak #Orwell #love
#maximkantor #book #literature #mikhailbulgakov #borispasternak #orwell #love
We look at hundreds of Dutch still lifes (fish, bottle, lemon) as a Protestant declaration. “Here is my world, these are my family values, I don’t need too much, I won’t refuse a modest income.” And this declaration indeed occurs. But neither Willem Claesz Heda nor Abraham van Beijeren thought of anything declarative, they simply drew a fish and a bottle.
#art #mastoart #WillemClaeszHeda #AbrahamvanBeijeren #painting #stilllife
#maximkantor #art #mastoart #willemclaeszheda #abrahamvanbeijeren #painting #stilllife
Dante has Count Ugolino in the ninth circle of hell, forever eating his children. In real life, he was locked in a tower by enemies along with his four sons and, going crazy, ate their dead bodies. This devouring of one's own flesh is the best metaphor for the Civil War.
#maximkantor #dante #countugolino #book #history
A feature of Salvador Dali's painting is the combination of a salon style and the image of a catastrophe. Dali show cataclysms in a glossy manner, in which drawing bouquets for living rooms are painted. The lines in the picture are streamlined, the strokes are neat. It is drawn in such a way that a noble girl cannot be shown. However, it is drawn in such a way that girls should like it. Cruel and vulgar, of course, but very smooth and shiny.
#maximkantor #salvadordali #art #mastoart #painting
The German expressionists of the 20th century (Nolde, Kirchner, Müller, Beckmann, Schmit-Rotliff) painted their canvases with furious movements, did not make preliminary sketches, were indifferent to details. They painted so brutally in order to convey the violent nature of changes in society.
#maximkantor #art #mastoart #painting #expressionism
Why does the caricature of the Kukryniksy remain a caricature, and the caricature of Honore Daumier - high art? The answer is simple: high art creates, first of all, a hero - not at all a funny person, but extremely serious. Ridiculous and funny things can happen around him; but he himself - embodies the ideal of the artist.
#maximkantor #art #book #honoredaumier #Kukryniksy #mastoart
Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky - was a painter of the highest degree of professional, he studied. And he learned well - he is an excellent artisan. His temperamental sketches have been preserved: the porter Repin, a portrait of Lily Brik. So free, satisfied - few people know how to draw.
#maximkantor #vladimirmayakovsky #art #mastoart #painting
Artists who call themselves humanists (Picasso, Böll, Gross, Chagall, Sartre, Hofer) fought for the freedom of a particular person against a particular evil. But the artists of the new time (what we call "contemporary art") are fighting in peaceful conditions for freedom in general, for personal freedom as an ideal, for freedom from determinism.
#maximkantor #art #freedom #contemporaryart #book
When the Russian "party of war" killed Rasputin, the murder was committed according to the laws of melodrama: Felix Yusupov, an transvestite-angloman, poisoned the Rasputin with "chocolate" cakes, shot from a revolver, drowned in an ice hole, hit dumbbells on the head - it felt like reading a campy detective story; but in these time the fate of a huge empire was being decided.
#maximkantor #book #history #russia #rasputin
This is how icons were painted - the flat space of the paintings by Munch and Gauguin resembles the space of an icon; the color is applied without taking into account color distortions due to the removal of the object in the air; they are uniformly and flatly painted canvases. From the combination of a flat, almost poster-like picture and flowing color streams moving into the depths, have a contradictory effect.
#art #EdvardMunch #PaulGauguin #painting #mastoart
#maximkantor #art #edvardmunch #paulgauguin #painting #mastoart
Imagine that the artist throws one colored veil over another, and so many times - this is the characteristic method of writing Munch and Gauguin. They both draw the flat earth as if spreading into different colors. Or (perhaps more accurately) colored covers are thrown onto a flat surface, one after another. From this alternation of color covers, a kind of fluidity of the color surface arises.
#EdvardMunch #PaulGauguin #art #mastoart #painting
#maximkantor #edvardmunch #paulgauguin #art #mastoart #painting