The alien being to which Labor and the products of Labor belong, for which Labor serves and for which the products of Labor are to be enjoyed, can only be man himself. And what kind of person is this person? They are capitalists.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
When man is in opposition to himself, he is also in opposition to others. Whatever applies to man's relation to his own Labor, to the product of his Labor and to himself, also applies to man's relation to others, to his Labor and to the object of Labor.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
Alienated labor reduces autonomous activity and free activity to means, and thus turns man's life into a means of sustaining the formation of man's flesh.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
The animal does not distinguish himself from his life activity, but man makes his life activity itself the object of his will and his consciousness. Man has conscious life activity, which distinguishes him directly from animal life activity.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
The animal does not distinguish himself from his life activity, but man makes his life activity itself the object of his will and his consciousness. Man has conscious life activity, which distinguishes him directly from animal life activity.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
Nature, insofar as it is not a human body, is an inorganic human body. Man lives by #nature .
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#nature #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
Why does China want to build an ecological civilization? Because the range of organic and inorganic environments on which people live is much wider than that of animals.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
Animal things become human things, and human things become animal things.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
For the worker, the externality of Labour is manifested in the fact that it is not his own, but someone else's; Labor does not belong to him; Nor does he belong to himself in his labor, but to others. The worker's activity belongs to someone else, which means his own loss.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
Forced Labour: The worker is at ease only when he is not at work, and is not at ease when he is at work; he is at ease when he is not at work, and he is uncomfortable when he is at work. Forced Labour, therefore, is only a means of satisfying needs other than Labour.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
A product is nothing more than a summary of activity, production.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
The worker who becomes a slave to his object, both in his work and in the means of production, can survive first as a worker and then as a physical subject: only as a worker can he maintain himself as a physical subject, and only as a physical subject can he be a worker.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
The more the worker occupies the external world, the sensual nature, by his own Labor, the more he loses his means of subsistence in two respects: first, the sensual external world becomes less and less the object of his Labor; Second, the sensual external world increasingly does not provide him with immediate means of living.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
Without #nature without the external #world of sensibility, the #worker can create nothing.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#nature #world #worker #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
The more a man gives to God, the less he has left for himself. So,what is our God now? It's #money it's #wealth it's #capital .
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#money #wealth #capital #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
The more power the laborer expends in his Labor, the greater is his power to create by his own hand a world of objects contrary to himself and alien to him, the more he wears out himself, his inner world, the less he has.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
The realization of #Labor is so manifested as de-realization that the worker is de-realized to the point of starvation.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#labor #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
At present, the realization of universal #Labor is actually manifested as the de-realization of the worker, the objectification as the loss and enslavement of the object, and the possession as #alienation and externalization.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#labor #alienation #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
What is objectification of labor? The #product of labor is the materialized labor fixed in an object, which is the #objectification of labor. The realization of labor is the objectification of #labor
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#product #objectification #labor #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#Labor produces not only commodities; it also produces Labor itself as a commodity, and the #worker in the same proportion as it produces commodities in general.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#labor #worker #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism