Anyone have a way to reach the folks who developed this awesome looking game #MenosEsMax #LessIsMax?
I’m looking to buy a couple copies but the available contact channels don’t seem to be working
#españa #spain #cantabria #HumanScaleDevelopment #MaxNeef #EcologicalEconomics #tableTopGaming
#menosesmax #lessismax #espana #spain #cantabria #humanscaledevelopment #maxneef #ecologicaleconomics #tabletopgaming
Anyone have a way to reach the folks who developed this awesome looking game #MenosEsMax #LessIsMax?
I’m looking to buy a couple copies but the available contact channels don’t seem to be working
#españa #spain #cantabria #HumanScaleDevelopment #MaxNeef #EcologicalEconomics #tableTopGaming
#menosesmax #lessismax #espana #spain #cantabria #humanscaledevelopment #maxneef #ecologicaleconomics #tabletopgaming
Okay, I'll play this. Seems not to include environmental issues, but that could be added in a redesign (can't tell what the license is).
Murió Manfred Max-Neef:
"Durante su carrera académica Max Neef publicó decenas de ensayos y cuatro libros centrados en las problemáticas ambientalistas y de economía sustentable, el más reconocido de ellos titulado "Desarrollo a escala humana: Conceptos, aplicaciones y reflexiones", publicado en 1986."
See this interview from Democracy Now in 2010:
#economíasolidaria #chile #maxneef