Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne вернули для продажи в несколько регионов Steam.
Весной 2021-го года Max Payne и Max Payne 2 перестали продавать в Steam на территории многих стран, кроме США, Великобритании и нескольких стран Евросоюза.
В данный момент Max Payne 2 можно купить с 65% скидкой в:
🔶 🇰🇿 647₸
🔶 🇹🇷 ₺6.30
В РФ игры серии Max Payne не продаются.
Remedy's history of big moods collapsing into bad gunfights tempers my excitement for Alan Wake 2 - #MaxPayne2:TheFallOfMaxPayne #NordicGamesPublishing #Take-TwoInteractive #NamcoBandaiPartners #RemedyEntertainment #LegacyInteractive #TheGamePassenger #MicrosoftStudios #ActionAdventure #NordicGamesGmbH #RockstarVienna #XboxSeriesX/S #RockstarGames #SinglePlayer #Xbox
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Начинается стрим Дмитрия Бурдукова с Антоном Беловым о музыке в играх Remedy и особенно Max Payne.
#videos #maxpayne #maxpayne2 #music
Сегодня, 27-го мая в 16:00 по МСК на канале Дмитрия Бурдукова пройдет разговорный стрим с Антоном Беловым, что помогал в создание видео об изменениях и отличиях первых двух Max Payne.
Среди тем разговора будут и игры Remedy, а также опыт работы со студией самого Антона.
#videos #maxpayne #maxpayne2 #music
На канале Дмитрия Бурдукова вышло видео об отличиях Max Payne и Max Payne 2.
А также можете ознакомиться и с другими видео автора о музыки в видеоиграх. Совет одобряет.
#videos #maxpayne #maxpayne2 #music
RPS Time Capsule: the games worth saving from 2003 - #TheLordoftheRings:ReturnoftheKing #StarWars:KnightsofTheOldRepublic #PrinceofPersia:TheSandsofTime #MaxPayne2:TheFallOfMaxPayne #TombRaider:AngelOfDarkness #SonyComputerEntertainment #GrandTheftAuto:ViceCity #MultiplayerCompetitive #VivendiUniversalGames #TheSimpsons:HitandRun #RadicalEntertainment #RemedyEntertainment #Take-TwoInteractive #Birdview/Isometric
#birdview #take #remedyentertainment #radicalentertainment #thesimpsons #vivendiuniversalgames #multiplayercompetitive #grandtheftauto #sonycomputerentertainment #tombraider #maxpayne2 #PrinceofPersia #starwars #thelordoftherings
Just fired up "Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne" for the first time in what must be nearly 20 years.
Technologically-speaking, it definitely shows its age (can't even get it running at my screen's native resolution), but it remains one of the most atmospheric games I've played.
Great use of graphic novel-style screens instead of cut scenes, and the in-game TV shows are worth the price of admission by themselves.
Always nice when nostalgia proves warranted.
ChatGPT once again failing with... easy-to-parse information that is available on the web for nearly 20 years. #chatgpt #socalledai #maxpayne2 #ai
#chatgpt #socalledai #maxpayne2 #ai
Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne - Steam Deck Gameplay SteamOS: #linux #linuxgaming #hardware #steamplay #gaming #steamdeck #maxpayne2
#gaming #SteamDeck #maxpayne2 #linux #linuxgaming #hardware #steamplay
Remedy ищут ведущего нарративного руководителя для ремейков Max Payne 1&2.
Новый сотрудник займется адаптацией сюжета и повествования ремейков под актуальным тенденции и методы нарратива.
На данный момент разработка, по официальным заявлениям, находится на стадии проработки концепта. Окно релиза не заявлено.
I replayed Max Payne 1 & 2. Still good. And the 2 aged pretty well I would say.
How is no one talking about this?! This dude is working on mod for Max Payne 2 which converts the entire game into killer7; visuals, combat, menus, everything. literally killer7 but not killer7. Please check it out and support the them!
#killer7 #maxpayne2
Finished #MaxPayne2 on #SteamDeck and it's great! Unlike the first, no extra fixes needed. I just used an older version of Proton (5.13-6 if I recall correctly) to be safe, but that's it.
It takes the same winning gameplay & storytelling recipe as the 1st, but with improved graphics and controls.
The only difficulty I had was during this part where you have to snipe enemies down, and it can be frustrating to aim precisely with the joysticks.
#maxpayne2 #SteamDeck #pcgaming #retrogaming #gaming #games
A twist on the introduction: introduce yourself using five videogames to get to know you.
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Remedy are remaking Max Payne 1 & 2 - #MaxPayne2:TheFallOfMaxPayne #RemedyEntertainment #Blockbuster #MaxPayne3 #MaxPayne #Rockstar
#maxpayne2 #remedyentertainment #blockbuster #MaxPayne3 #MaxPayne #rockstar
The best Max Payne 2 mods - #FeaturedArticles #ModderSuperior #MaxPayne2 #feature #mods
#featuredarticles #moddersuperior #maxpayne2 #feature #mods