#ShutterIsland will always be in my top 10, if only because of #MaxRichter's song #OnTheNatureOfDaylight.
Decent horror flick with a couple of exquisite tableaus. Extremely unbelievable plot, but the film-making more than makes up for it. Nice combination of psychological horror, mystery, and cheese (which was brilliant since the movie takes place in 1954).
#shutterisland #maxrichter #onthenatureofdaylight
#MaxRichter's single, Path 17 (before the ending of daylight, Pt. 1 / Edit)
It is not new, but is it grand. I know it is meant to be listened to at the ending of daylight, but it is quite pleasant before the beginning of daylight as well.
In case you want to listen: https://www.prostudiomasters.com/album/page/18481
#nowlistening #maxrichter #classicalmusic #hires
@PeteLittle1970 @Tooden @yourautisticlife @hosford42 @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @actuallyautistic #MaxRichter has composed and performed an eight-hour classical piece that's designed for people to sleep through it. Here's an article about it:
You can hear it here:
There's a documentary about the piece with extracts from a performance, but it's not available free of charge at the moment:
Today I was in the tractor heading back home from tending the ruts in the maize field, and I turned on the radio. Max Richter's recomposed Vivaldi's Four Seasons was playing. "Summer 3".
I had never heard it before. It sounded familiar, and yet completely different. Just like the actual seasons we're getting these days.
If this is not the soundtrack of our times, I don't know what is.
Here's "Summer 2":
#maxrichter #classicalmusic #Music
Allez, ça fait lgtps alors une petite #reco #musique (et #serie par la même occasion si vous l’avez pas vue) : la BO de #TheLeftovers par l’immense #MaxRichter c’est juste parfait.
Bon par contre, je préviens, le pitch de la série c’est « 2% de la population mondiale disparaît d’un coup d’un seul sans prévenir, et on suit des personnes sur comment ils gèrent ça », donc vous vous en doutez, c’est pas vraiment « bonne humeur-land ».
#maxrichter #theleftovers #serie #musique #reco
#Sleep by #maxrichter is an 8+ hour lullaby. If you want to sleep, de-stress or to just relax and met your mind go this is a must have. Max has also released Sleep: Tranquility Base - a much shorter version from an electronic perspective. Enjoy https://youtu.be/SNJJ_op6dsE
#NowPlaying 6/20 #Playlist: https://www.minorkey.net/minor-key-playlists/minor-key-net-playlist-6-20-23
#classicalmusic #contemporarymusic #StringQuartet #violin #violinist #playlists #NowListening #Haydn #Bruch #Bruckner #JohnHarbison #MaxRichter #Holst #SnorriHallgrímsson
#nowplaying #playlist #classicalmusic #contemporarymusic #stringquartet #violin #violinist #playlists #nowlistening #haydn #bruch #bruckner #johnharbison #maxrichter #holst #snorrihallgrimsson
In this 8½ hour album, Max Richter explores sleep, activity, consciousness, and a slower pace of living.
Rather than present the whole work, here's just one track, from the deep sleep after the third dream.
(#Popiversary2 moves into its era phase: 2014-17 today, 2013 tomorrow.) #MaxRichter
On Saturday, #MaxRichter will perform at #Glastonbury for the very first time, alongside #TildaSwinton, who originally lent her spoken word to #TheBlueNotebooks two decades ago. https://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/60185/1/max-richter-tilda-swinton-glastonbury-performance-2023-the-blue-notebooks-album
#maxrichter #glastonbury #tildaswinton #thebluenotebooks
Minor Key . Net Playlist 6/20/23
#ChiaroscuroQuartet #DiogenesQuartet #FrançoisXavierRoth #JenniferKoh #MaxRichter #LouisaFuller #BerlinerPhilharmoniker #SirSimonRattle #VíkingurÓlafsson
#Haydn #Bruch #Bruckner #JohnHarbison #Holst #SnorriHallgrímsson
#NowPlaying #NowListening #classicalmusic @classicalmusic @contemporarymusic
#piano #violin #StringQuartet #Symphony #MastoMusic #contemporarymusic
#chiaroscuroquartet #diogenesquartet #francoisxavierroth #jenniferkoh #maxrichter #louisafuller #berlinerphilharmoniker #sirsimonrattle #vikingurolafsson #haydn #bruch #bruckner #johnharbison #holst #snorrihallgrimsson #nowplaying #nowlistening #classicalmusic #piano #violin #stringquartet #symphony #mastomusic #contemporarymusic
I have 11 #MaxRichter albums plus recordings from multiple other artists of his compositions. That is far from all of his work, but I think I have heard enough to say that he has yet to create his masterpiece, if he ever will. I certainly hope for further brilliant albums from Max, but not everyone can live up to the expectations of genius others place on them. It is cold to say, but pragmatic.
Drinking my 'just woke up at the most inappropriate time' coffee that is common for those of us with serious #insomnia.
Listening to #ElliottSmith's Figure 8. Earlier today I believe I listened to five #MaxRichter albums back to back.
#insomnia #elliottsmith #maxrichter #nowplaying
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #WordsAndMusic
Max Richter, Elena Urioste & Chineke! Orchestra:
🎵 Autumn (The Four Seasons)
#MaxRichter #ElenaUrioste #Chineke!Orchestra
#nowplaying #WordsAndMusic #maxrichter #ElenaUrioste #Chineke
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Max Richter, Hilary Hahn & Cory Smythe:
🎵 Mercy
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #maxrichter #hilaryhahn #CorySmythe
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #RadcliffeAndMaconie
Max Richter:
🎵 Dream 13 (Minus Even)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #RadcliffeAndMaconie #maxrichter
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Unclassified
Max Richter:
🎵 Dark Cloud for Kevin
#nowplaying #unclassified #maxrichter #spotify
*L'amica geniale* (Saverio Constanzo, 2018, HBO) é unha serie estraña, irregular. Namentras a representación da Italia dos anos 50 está moi lograda tanto en ambientes coma en personaxes, no entanto semella non chegar nunca a asentar nun único ton, e a perspectiva poética que quere adoptar está sempre a piques de conseguila, mais fica no umbral (e coma case sempre a voz en off ven a estragalo todo). Sobrevive grazas á banda sonora (reutilizada) de Max Richter.
#series #MaxRichter
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Max Richter, Max Richter & Mari Samuelsen:
🎵 Richter: Mercy (Voiceless Mix)
#nowplaying #breakfast #maxrichter #marisamuelsen
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #MaryAnneHobbs
Max Richter, Chineke! Orchestra & Elena Urioste:
🎵 Recomposed - Vivaldi The Four Seasons, Spring mov. 1
#MaxRichter #Chineke!Orchestra #ElenaUrioste
#nowplaying #bbc6music #MaryAnneHobbs #maxrichter #Chineke #ElenaUrioste