Nach der Demo für #berlin2030klimaneutral fuhr ich übrigens noch nach Bernau, um das 26. #MaxSquare voll zu machen.
#maxsquare #berlin2030klimaneutral
Today it was a nice day to "work" on my max square. Currently I have a 15x15 square, but could expand to 17x17 to two cleverly designed hikes. The exploring is basically a way to go where you have not gone before.
As the snow has retreated a bit, I could go for hike #1: from Blumenstein to Alp Oberwirtneren. In the valley it was way too warm, but higher up in the leftover snow it luckily cooled down a bit. The snow was very wet and more than once I was thigh deep in.
Sometimes the exploring brings you to places not so special. Today I was nicely surprised (8/10).
@dbrgn made a picture of a paraglider for you 😜
#hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #veloviewer #exploring #tiling #maxsquare
#hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #veloviewer #exploring #tiling #maxsquare
Eine Radtour entlang der Nordkante Berlins. Damit wäre das 24er #Veloviewer #maxsquare geschafft.