Biden's Economy beating tech bros random layoffs,
DESPITE Microsoft Google Twitter tech bro rando firings, Biden has ADDED 339,000 jobs this last month.
Not to be outdone Trump has recieved an expansion of his Grand Jury case in Georgia to investigations and witnesses in other States.
#potus #Brandon #DarkBrandon #jobs #may1st #tech #techbro #ai
#AI #techbro #Tech #may1st #jobs #darkbrandon #Brandon #potus
Happy May Day & Happy International Workers Day.
May Day has its origins as an ancient spring festival. International Workers Day is a time when we celebrate the contribution of workers, both in our country and worldwide.
#may #may1st #MayDay2023 #InternationalWorkersDay2023
#may #may1st #mayday2023 #internationalworkersday2023
So, nach einmonatiger Recherche habe ich es nun endlich geschafft, meinen Artikel über #Beltane zu veröffentlichen - mittlerweile den 2. in meiner Serie über keltische Jahresfeste. Wer also Interesse hat, etwas über die Ursprünge von Maibaum, Maikönigin und Maifest zu erfahren, schaut gerne mal rein! 😊
My second post in my series about #Celtic seasonal festivals - this time, we take a look at Beltane!
#paganism #MayDay #May1st #1Mai
#Tumblr Post (ENG):
#beltane #celtic #paganism #mayday #may1st #1mai #tumblr
'cause it's the first of May
#may1 #may1st #coulton #jonathancoulton #1stofmay
Torna la tradizionale gara ciclistica del 1° maggio con il Trofeo Città di #Manoppello
#Manoppello. Lunedì 1° maggio il Trofeo Città di #Manoppello torna a fare bella mostra di sé per la 74°volta: un prestigio per una delle classiche più antiche del #ciclismo abruzzese, #seconda in ordine temporale dietro al #TrofeoMatteotti professionisti. Come nel #2022, anno della ripartenza dopo la pandemia, l’organizzazione tecnica è curata dal #PedaleTeate […]
L'articolo Torna la tradizionale gara ciclistica del 1° maggio con il Trofeo Città di #Manoppello sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
The traditional 1 May cycle race returns with the Trofeo Città di #Manoppello (City of #ManoppelloTrophy)
#Manoppello. On #Monday1May, the Trofeo Città di #Manoppello (City of #ManoppelloTrophy) returns for the #74th time: a prestige for one of the oldest classics of #Abruzzo cycling, #second in chronological order behind the #TrofeoMatteotti professionals. As in #2022, #theyear of the restart after the pandemic, the technical organisation is taken care of by #thePedaleTeate [...].
The article The traditional #May1st cycling race returns with the Trofeo Città di #Manoppello seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
1-5-2023 10:14 #AbruzzoLive
#manoppello #ciclismo #seconda #trofeomatteotti #pedaleteate #abruzzolive #manoppellotrophy #monday1may #74th #abruzzo #second #theyear #thepedaleteate #may1st #first
Good morning from Dublin
#Maybankholiday #May1st
#Coffee ☕ ☕
#coffee #may1st #maybankholiday
Mainacht Hexennacht (18/52/2023):
Where is it still fashion to make a fire in the night to #May1st which is also called Hexennacht (witches night) in the area I live? So had a stew over the fire and waiting for it to get dark. So short post today since #Party goes on. And for the second hunger in the night.
💙 ⚓ 🌊 🌐 #May1st #LaborDay #1mai2023 #ErsteMai #TagDerArbeit
#may1st #LaborDay #1mai2023 #erstemai #tagderarbeit
"The roaring voice of the nations shakes the heavens and earth
The callused fist of the people burst like a sledgehammer
The glorious wave of the revolution covers our world.
#1mayis #1mayis2023 #1mayisemekvedayanismagunu #biji1 #may1st
Meer info (1/2):
"Op 1 mei gaan we in Utrecht de straat op om de Internationale Dag van de Arbeiders te vieren. Sluit aan in de strijd voor arbeidersrechten en tegen kapitalistische uitbuiting! De mars begint in het Griftpark en gaat daarvandaan door de stad heen.
On the 1st of May, we will take to the streets of Utrecht in celebration of the International Workers’ Day. Join in the fight for workers’ rights and against capitalist exploitation! The march will start in the Griftpark and will continue through the city."
#mayday #may1st #dagvandearbeid #Utrecht #1mei
Updated my profile header, just for today 🙂
Uppdaterade profilbakgrundsbilden, bara för idag 🙂 Der historischer Erste Mai ist insbesondere mit der Forderung nach dem Achtstundentag verbunden. Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts waren 13-14 Stundentage nicht unüblich. Interessanter weise setzte sich ausgerechnet der Unternehmer Robert Owen für eine Arbeitszeitverkürzung in seiner eigenen Fabrik ein (zunächst auf 10,5 Stunden). ... #ErsterMai #May1st #ErsterMaiKiel #FAU #FAUKiel
#erstermai #may1st #ErsterMaiKiel #fau #faukiel
Made this yesterday. Since we have a house now I have a place to hang it. #may1st