but, honestly, if you can't be arsed to read my thread about decca mitford, please do indulge yourself & listen to her duet with good pal, maya angelou.
#music #mayaAngelou #jessicaMitford #deccaMitford #duet
('right said fred' - decca mitford & maya angelou)
#duet #deccamitford #jessicamitford #mayaangelou #Music
Gizmodo: AI Is Being Used to Ban Books From School Libraries https://gizmodo.com/ai-mason-city-iowa-school-libraries-book-ban-1850738954 #iknowwhythecagedbirdsings #mayaangeloubridgetteexman #artificialintelligence #khaledhosseinicrank #patriciamccormick #killingmrgriffin #tiffanydjackson #theodoredreiser #margaretatwood #bridgetteexman #bookcensorship #censoredbooks #ellenhopkins #tonimorrison #jodipicoult #masoncounty #mayaangelou #alicewalker #sarahjmaas #loisduncan #johngreen #anderson
#iknowwhythecagedbirdsings #mayaangeloubridgetteexman #artificialintelligence #khaledhosseinicrank #patriciamccormick #killingmrgriffin #tiffanydjackson #theodoredreiser #margaretatwood #bridgetteexman #bookcensorship #censoredbooks #ellenhopkins #tonimorrison #jodipicoult #masoncounty #mayaangelou #alicewalker #sarahjmaas #loisduncan #johngreen #anderson
. . . diversity makes for a rich tapestry. - Maya Angelou ❤️
Pass it on🙏🏽
#quote #DEI #diversity #Inclusion #poetry #art #love #stophate #artists #mayaangelou
#mayaangelou #artists #stophate #love #art #poetry #inclusion #diversity #dei #quote
“Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women."
- Maya Angelou
#women #mayaangelou #quote #citation
IKnowWhyTheCagedBirdSings by #MayaAngelou
#velshibannedbookclub #mayaangelou
"You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.”
@apenkop He facilitated every #grifter, #racist, #antisemitic corporate raider to come out from under the rock they’ve been hiding for 80 years. “When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.” #MayaAngelou said it and the country failed to listen. I sure hope we’ve learned her lesson.
#mayaangelou #antisemitic #racist #grifter
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
— #MayaAngelou
♥️ #Relationships #RelationshipAdvice #Love #Attachment #AttachmentTheory #AttachmentStyle #SecureAttachment
#mayaangelou #relationships #relationshipadvice #love #attachment #attachmenttheory #attachmentstyle #secureattachment
“If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.”
― Maya Angelou https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Angelou
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #mayaangelou
Here is Dick Gaughan performing “Scots Wha Hae”, to an audience that includes Dr #MayaAngelou – from the documentary ANGELOU ON BURNS (first shown on BBC2, 1996)
#Scottish #literature #RobertBurns #music
#music #RobertBurns #literature #scottish #mayaangelou
“Hold those things that tell your history and protect them. During slavery, who was able to read or write or keep anything? The ability to have somebody to tell your story to is so important. It says: 'I was here. I may be sold tomorrow. But you know I was here.'" —#mayaangelou #juneteenth
"Try to be a rainbow in someone"s cloud." By Maya Angelou
The #Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception Or #Mythic #Christianity By Max Heindel : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/the-rosicrucian-cosmo-conception-or-mythic-christianity-by-max-heindel
I wonder why this would be in the "deemphasized" collection. I'm sure it's not reflective of a centralized, coordinated effort to subvert the #Way, #Truth, & #Life, the #Christ, because that's not a recurring theme throughout #history...
"Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard?...I #RISE..." #mayaangelou
#rosicrucian #mythic #christianity #way #truth #life #christ #history #rise #mayaangelou
There are some nights when
sleep plays coy,
aloof and disdainful.
And all the wiles
that I employ to win
its service to my side
are useless as wounded pride,
and much more painful.
--Maya Angelou
#FridayPoem #TodaysPoem #poetry #MayaAngelou @bookstodon
(Art credit: Edvard Munch)
#fridaypoem #todayspoem #poetry #mayaangelou
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back." #MayaAngelou
#DisempowerPatriarchy #Intersectionality #PayItForward #MeToo #LandBack #Decolonize #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #FreePalestine
Amplify vulnerable & oppressed voices. #Listen
#mayaangelou #disempowerpatriarchy #intersectionality #payitforward #metoo #landback #decolonize #blacklivesmatter #blm #freepalestine #listen
👇🏾 THIS! 👇🏾
💛 In OHF Magazine, we spotlight the work of a different Black authors in each issue. In honor of Maya Angelou’s birthday—April 4—we making OHF Magazine Issue No. 1 FREE to download until 11:59 p.m. Eastern, Saturday, April 8. Enjoy!
#Allyship #BlackFriday #BlackFedi #MayaAngelou #BlackLit #RacialEquity
#allyship #blackfriday #BlackFedi #mayaangelou #blacklit #racialequity
💛 In OHF Magazine, we spotlight the work of a different Black authors in each issue. In honor of Maya Angelou’s birthday—April 4—we making OHF Magazine Issue No. 1 FREE to download until 11:59 p.m. Eastern, Saturday, April 8. Enjoy!
#Allyship #BlackFriday #BlackFedi #MayaAngelou #BlackLit #RacialEquity
#allyship #blackfriday #BlackFedi #mayaangelou #blacklit #racialequity
Maya vive y siempre vivirá
La primera vez que escuché uno de sus poemas hablados, no pude evitar que las lágrimas salieran insumisas; su voz potente silenció to
#Cultura,CineyTelevisión #ReferentesNegros #VocesAfroféminas #afrodescendientes #Afroféminas #afrofeminismo #DayanaCatá #diáspora #escritora #feminismonegro #libros #literatura #MayaAngelou #mujer #mujernegra #negra #pájaroenjaulado #poesía #Poesia #referentes
#cultura #referentesnegros #vocesafrofeminas #afrodescendientes #afrofeminas #afrofeminismo #dayanacata #diaspora #escritora #feminismonegro #libros #literatura #mayaangelou #mujer #mujernegra #negra #pajaroenjaulado #poesia #referentes