Maya found this in the gift shop. "I want to buy it for Cocoa. She didn't get to come."
🐇#GochiUsa 🐇
☕️#ご注文はうさぎですか 🐰
🐰🐇#IsTheOrderARabbit 🐇🐰
#neso #nesoberi #Plushies
#gochiusa #ご注文はうさぎですか #istheorderarabbit #neso #nesoberi #plushies #mayajoga #条河麻耶 #jogamaya #kawaii #cute #octopus
My name Megu
I’m from Rabbit House
Maya climbed to
Shot 2023
©️ Nara Moore, Do not use in AI
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku @freehaiku
#Photography #マストドン写真部 #写真
🐇#GochiUsa 🐇
☕️#ご注文はうさぎですか 🐰
🐰🐇#IsTheOrderARabbit 🐇🐰
#MayaJoga #条河麻耶 #MegumiNatsu #奈津恵
#neso #nesoberi #Plushies #Cute #Kawaii #Seattle #Winter
#dailyhaikuprompt #name #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #photography #マストドン写真部 #写真 #gochiusa #ご注文はうさぎですか #istheorderarabbit #mayajoga #条河麻耶 #meguminatsu #奈津恵 #neso #nesoberi #plushies #cute #kawaii #seattle #winter #shahai
Maya and Megu are pretty detailed.
I walk amid cuteness
🐇#GochiUsa ☕️#ご注文はうさぎですか 🐰
🐰🐇#IsTheOrderARabbit 🐇🐰
#MayaJoga #条河麻耶 #JōgaMaya
#MegumiNatsu #奈津恵 #NatsuMegumi
#WildGeese #ワイルドギース #WairudoGīsu #Anko #MochaHoto #保登モカ #HotoMoka
#gochiusa #ご注文はうさぎですか #istheorderarabbit #mayajoga #条河麻耶 #jogamaya #meguminatsu #奈津恵 #natsumegumi #wildgeese #ワイルドギース #wairudogisu #anko #mochahoto #保登モカ #hotomoka #cute #kawaii #plushies
Bottled tea
So much Megu says
Morning ritual
#TeaTuesay #Plushies #Tea #お茶 #茶
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku #Poetry #Poem #SmallPoem #俳句 #川柳
🐇#GochiUsa ☕️#ご注文はうさぎですか 🐰
🐰🐇#IsTheOrderARabbit 🐇🐰
#Tippy #ティッピ #MayaJoga #条河麻耶,
#teatuesay #plushies #Tea #お茶 #茶 #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #poetry #poem #smallpoem #俳句 #川柳 #gochiusa #ご注文はうさぎですか #istheorderarabbit #tippy #ティッピ #mayajoga #条河麻耶
Christmas 2022, I received the Maya on the right. (From and To are both me.)
Megu on the left, flanks with Wildgeese. Plus some cute GochiUsa merch I thought were to cute to pass up. A very small part of my GochiUsa shrine.
I walk in cuteness.
🐇#GochiUsa ☕️#ご注文はうさぎですか 🐰
🐰🐇#IsTheOrderARabbit 🐇🐰
#Manga #Anime #Plushies
#MayaJoga #条河麻耶
#MegumiNatsu #奈津恵
#Cute #Kawaii #AnimeShrine
#gochiusa #ご注文はうさぎですか #istheorderarabbit #manga #anime #plushies #mayajoga #条河麻耶 #meguminatsu #奈津恵 #cute #kawaii #animeshrine
Christmas 2022, I received the Maya on the right. (From and To are both me.)
Megu on the left, flanks with Wildgeese. Plus some cute GochiUsa merch I thought were to cute to pass up. A very small part of my GochiUsa shrine.
🐇#GochiUsa ☕️#ご注文はうさぎですか 🐰
🐰🐇#IsTheOrderARabbit 🐇🐰
#Manga #Anime #Plushies
#MayaJoga #条河麻耶
#MegumiNatsu #奈津恵
#Cute #Kawaii #AnimeShrine
#gochiusa #ご注文はうさぎですか #istheorderarabbit #manga #anime #plushies #mayajoga #条河麻耶 #meguminatsu #奈津恵 #cute #kawaii #animeshrine
Crow with Fries' sculpture by Peter Reiquam.
🐇#GochiUsa ☕️#ご注文はうさぎですか 🐰
#MayaJoga #条河麻耶 #JōgaMaya
#crow #statue #sculpture #peterreiquam #crowwithfries #fries #neso #nesoberi
#gochiusa #ご注文はうさぎですか #mayajoga #条河麻耶 #jogamaya #crow #statue #sculpture #peterreiquam #crowwithfries #fries #neso #nesoberi #istheorderarabbit