Remember when #Google said that #UniversalAnalytics would stop recording data at the start of July?
#google #UniversalAnalytics #googleanalytics #ga #maybesomeday
So, last night I had a dream I went to Dragonsteel Con as an Exhibitor. When I got to my booth, I had hundreds of fans waiting in line to buy my books, or have me sign their books, or show me their cosplay of my characters.
I woke up and almost laughed out loud. But man... what a dream. 🤩
#WritingCommunity #Writer #Fantasy #FantasyRomance #DreamBigIGuess #WouldntThatBeSomething #MaybeSomeday
#maybesomeday #wouldntthatbesomething #dreambigiguess #fantasyromance #fantasy #writer #writingcommunity
@searambo @Hilomikey I hear you. I’ve been retired 5 months, applied for a job to go back (building inspector)…made the short list ….withdrew my application (wasn’t ready to go back) 🤔 #maybesomeday
It might be a bit of useless fun to figure out whether/how Julia code can be turned into a browser-loadable WebAssembly wadge that can manipulate the DOM and WebXR. #MaybeSomeday