Today in Labor History September 5, 1882: The first American Labor Day was observed, with 30,000 workers marching in New York City. The event was connected to a meeting of the radical Knights of Labor. Oregon became the first state to officially recognize the holiday. Over the years, more an more states recognized the holiday. However, by 1886, workers from around the world were celebrating May 1st as International Workers’ Day, in honor of the American anarchists who were wrongly convicted and executed for the Haymarket Affair. Fearing that the May 1st holiday would strengthen anarchist and communist movements, President Cleveland pushed for federal recognition of the September holiday. And in 1894, Congress passed a bill making it an official federal holiday.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #LaborDay #MayDay #haymarket #anarchism #socialism #communism #InternationalWorkersDay
#workingclass #LaborHistory #laborday #mayday #haymarket #anarchism #socialism #communism #internationalworkersday
What if, in 2024 and every year hence, all workers across the US (who are able to) simultaneously take personal time off on May 1st, to show #solidarity with the workers of the world?
#solidarity #laborday #mayday #unions #UnionStrong #unionize
[Just sent this to all my colleagues, staff, and graduate students in the department.]
#laborday #mayday #workersoftheworldunite #union
Dear friends,
On this “Labor Day” — instituted by the bosses to draw attention away from the International Workers’ Day, May 1— let us give some thought to a world, still imaginary, in which no worker has to stand alone against exploitation and oppression.
Imagine a university in which “faculty governance” means that academic workers govern themselves in all respects (instead of being subject to diktats from unelected deans, provosts, and presidents). Imagine a faculty union that is more than a local branch of an outfit for webinar production and collective hand-wringing. Imagine a staff union that sets the staff’s working conditions. Imagine a student union that has a real say in curriculum design and student aid.
Imagine a university that has mobilized to face the accelerating climate catastrophe and to enact climate justice, instead of paying lip service to sustainability and fossil fuel divestment.
Another world is possible, but only if we act together to bring it about.
In solidarity,
#laborday #mayday #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #union
— World: Football
— USA: Soccer
— World: 1,000 meters = kilometer
— USA: 5,280 feet = mile
— World: May 1st = Labor Day
— USA: That day when middle classes “celebrate labor” by patronizing restaurants & retail establishments staffed by wage earners
Happy #MayDay (again)!
#MayDay (May 1st) is 'Labor Day'!
The 1st Monday in September is #LaborAppeasementDay!
The Brief Origins of May Day
By Eric Chase
#WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #anarchosyndicalism #mayday #rememberhaymarket #laborappeasementday #NoWarButClassWar
すると女の子は幸せになり、目は輝き、体にはなんと名付けたらいいのか分からない感覚が溢れてきました。 私は彼女に幸せになってもらい、私が彼女に対して感じていた愛を自分自身で発見してもらいました。
Then the little girl was happy, her eyes shone and her body was flooded by sensations that I didn't know how to put a name to. I let her be happy and discover for herself the love I felt for her.
#R18 #ロリ #女の子 #toddler #agediference #toddlercon #fanart #MAYDAY
#r18 #ロリ #女の子 #toddler #agediference #toddlercon #fanart #mayday
Who was #ThomasMorton?
He lived during the #Puritan period, but was no Puritan. He was a self-professed "heathen" who joined with the local Native Americans and other English settlers who rejected Puritan values, to openly celebrate #MayDay on top of a prominent hill south of Boston, Massachusetts. Morton also provided weapons to Native Americans to use against the Puritans. Eventually, Miles Standish had Morton banished (to the Isles of Shoals, where he was eventually rescued), and destroyed the Maypole and caused those who sought a different way of life to disperse, or face arrest.
Exceprt from "The Pagan Pilgrim: Thomas Morton of Merry Mount"
Intellectual "heathen" remains an inspiration
by Steve Rasmussen, 2001
"Those dour Puritans who knelt in thanksgiving at Plymouth Rock before marching forth to conquer the wilderness and its native inhabitants with Bibles and guns weren't the only pilgrims to seek spiritual freedom on the New World's shores. Just a few leagues up the Massachusetts coast from Plymouth's fortress of fundamentalist conformity, a poet and lawyer named Thomas Morton founded a colony that, had it survived Puritan persecution, might have spawned a far more Earth-friendly and egalitarian history of America than the one that's come down to us.
"Morton, a senior partner in a Crown-sponsored trading venture, sailed to New England in 1624 with a Captain Wollaston and 30 indentured young men. They settled and began trading for furs on a spit of land given them by the native Algonquin tribes, whose culture the classically educated, broad-minded Morton soon came to admire as far more civilized and humanitarian than that of his intolerant, brutal European neighbors. When Wollaston began seeking more profits by selling off the indentured servants to hard labor on the Virginia tobacco plantations, Morton persuaded the remaining servants (it wasn't hard) to reject their harsh master and throw in with this visionary as free members of a colony that would trade and live in harmony with the local tribes."
#thomasmorton #puritan #mayday
Report from Ottawa's Punch Up Collective about the kid-centred May Day picnic and march they organized this year:
Meet Kill Joy, the Houston street artist whose work is featured not just across the city, but all over the world.
#News #texas #houston #art #phillipines #mayday #graffiti
At first I felt guilty, I couldn't understand why I deserved so much happiness, but all of that faded away as a strange glow appeared in his eyes, pain mixed with pleasure clung to me, allowing me to share all the love that overflowed from within.
#fanart #ロリ #アニメの女の子 #ペド #daugther #ペド #skecht #spiderverse #fanart #draw #spiderman #mayday
#mayday #spiderman #draw #spiderverse #skecht #daugther #ペド #アニメの女の子 #ロリ #fanart
At first I felt guilty, I couldn't understand why I deserved so much happiness, but all of that faded away as a strange glow appeared in his eyes, pain mixed with pleasure clung to me, allowing me to share all the love that overflowed from within.
#fanart #ロリ #アニメの女の子 #ペド #daugther #ペド #skecht #spiderverse #fanart #draw #spiderman #mayday
#fanart #ロリ #アニメの女の子 #ペド #daugther #skecht #spiderverse #draw #spiderman #mayday
Today in Labor History July 12, 1850: Oscar W. Neebe (1850-1916) was born. He was the founder of the Beer Wagon Drivers Union (which later merged with the Teamsters Union). Neebe was also one of the Haymarket martyrs, imprisoned for his “role” in the Haymarket bombing, despite the fact that he was not in Haymarket Square at the time. He is one of the eight anarchists who are commemorated worldwide each year on May 1, International Workers’ Day. In 1893, Governor Altgeld pardoned the surviving Haymarket prisoners. Neebe joined the IWW soon after their founding in 1905.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #IWW #haymarket #bombing #MayDay #union #prison #Riot
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #IWW #haymarket #bombing #mayday #union #prison #Riot
Mayday kisses cure stress.
More content for supporters here
#baby #babycon #spiderman #mayday
Miguel O'hara is an excellent nanny!!!
#spiderman #mayday #maydayparker #loli #lolis #lolita #lolicon
#spiderman #mayday #maydayparker #loli #lolis #lolita #lolicon
Une bolée d'air frais du large
Lien de la page web de l'épisode:
Fichier de l'épisode:
New video up from May Day here in Chile... The delay of the reveal is because political persecution here in South America. But it's finally up.
Share the truth, and fuck the police.
#mayday #film #video #acab #anarchism
#mayday #film #video #acab #anarchism
MayDay Festivities Return to Minneapolis #Arts_&_Culture #battletrain #May_Day #mayday #MInneapolis #south_minneapolis #southside_battletrain #southside_battletrain
#Arts_ #battletrain #May_Day #mayday #minneapolis #south_minneapolis #southside_battletrain
THE FIRST TAKE: Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 – Womxnly 玫瑰少年 / THE FIRST TAKE
#FIRSTTAKE #Jolin #jolintsai #Mayday #TFT #thefirsttake #THEFIRSTTAKECHANNEL #Tsai #Womenly #Womxnly #Womxnly玫瑰少年 #ジョリンツァイ #ファーストテイク #一発撮り #五月天 #玫瑰少年 #蔡依林 #阿信 #音楽 #音楽番組
#firsttake #jolin #jolintsai #mayday #tft #THEFIRSTTAKE #THEFIRSTTAKECHANNEL #tsai #womenly #womxnly #womxnly玫瑰少年 #ジョリンツァイ #ファーストテイク #一発撮り #五月天 #玫瑰少年 #蔡依林 #阿信 #音楽 #音楽番組
Uhh... I may have found a new game to play...
Classic Traveller's Mayday but with Battlestar Galactica capital ships and fighters... at "Fleet scale" (1/10,000).
The BS is just downscaled, but the Vipers are a remix of a micro model and me putting them on a hex base in Tinkercad.
#BattlestarGalactica #Classic #Traveller #Mayday #3dprinting #miniatures #microscale
#battlestargalactica #classic #traveller #mayday #3dprinting #miniatures #microscale
(this is fucking ugly fr) This is a weird crossover/cosplay (?) that I came up with because recently I'm obsessed with these two games uuugh they have a #Razputin_aquato as #Mayday and #Sasha_Nein as #Zuke
#Nsr #nostraightroads #Psychonauts #Mayzuke #Sasharaz #Sfw #fanart
#razputin_aquato #mayday #sasha_nein #Zuke #nsr #nostraightroads #psychonauts #mayzuke #SashaRaz #sfw #fanart