If you're in #nyc and are a witchy type who 1) makes stuff for sale or 2) can give workshops on your practice, Mayday Space is having a World of Witches market soon, and the signup links are at the bottom of the event description here:
#MaydaySpace #brooklyn #witch #occult #halloween
#halloween #occult #witch #brooklyn #maydayspace #nyc
"Join us for a 6-week course on Race, Class & Revolution!"
"We [will] analyze the theoretical and political contributions that radicals of color in the US have made to the fight for human liberation. Topics include ideology, race ideology in the US, gender and sexuality, ... Communists in Harlem, the Young Lords, the Black Panthers, the Brown Berets, I Wor Kuen, and the American Indian Movement, among others."
#marxism #nyc #brooklyn #maydayspace
...donating to MayDay Space, a collectively run neighborhood organizing venue in Brooklyn, NY, isn't the worst thing you could be doing with your money right now. But buying from Amazon sure is :-D
#NYC #Brooklyn #MayDaySpace
I'm helping plan a "World of Witches" market in #Brooklyn #NYC in less than a month. There will be witchy workshop as well. If you're interested, swing by #MayDaySpace on Oct 12 from 12-6pm. More info here:
#witch #witches #witchcraft #Halloween #DiaDeLosMuertos #Samhain #brujas #brujos #brujxs #cuanderxs #cuanderos #cuanderas #tarot #clairvoyance #market #workshop #herbalism #herbs #candles #spirits #ghosts #oracle
#brooklyn #nyc #maydayspace #witch #witches #witchcraft #halloween #diadelosmuertos #samhain #brujas #brujos #brujxs #cuanderxs #cuanderos #cuanderas #tarot #clairvoyance #market #workshop #herbalism #herbs #candles #spirits #ghosts #oracle
Hi #Brooklyn and #NYC people, if you saved so much on Black Friday that you have oodles of cash leftover to buy stuff at the Social Justice Holiday Market at MayDay Space, I'll be there repping a coop I'm helping to found, selling plants-as-ornaments and other gift-friendly plants. It's December 15 and 16. Hope to see you there!
Here are two Social Justice Holiday Markets. If you're in the Bronx or Brooklyn and want to support local artisans/activists/coops this holiday season, you know where to be :-) One is this Sunday, the other is a month from now.
#SocialJusticeMarket #SupportLocalArtists #SupportTheMovement #MaydaySpace
#NYC #Brooklyn #theBronx #Bronx
#socialjusticemarket #supportlocalartists #supportthemovement #maydayspace #nyc #brooklyn #thebronx #bronx