Texas is about to shut down an election office in a heavily Democratic county that includes Houston less than two months before the city's mayoral election
#Texas #ElectionOfficeShutdown #HarrisCounty #Houston #MayoralElection #GregAbbott #Politics #News
#texas #electionofficeshutdown #harriscounty #houston #mayoralelection #gregabbott #politics #news
Very glad Olivia Chow won decisively, but wonder if election can be called "historic" when reality is turnout was about 40 per cent of eligible voters. While it apparently was an increase of over the turnout last Fall, it was still pretty poor, given what was supposed to be at stake.
I'm very pleased by Olivia Chow's win. To get 37% of the vote in the circumstances is, I think, pretty impressive. Again, the first thing is to push back against any claim that the new Mayor has no "mandate". When Bailao was leading earlier with 36% of the vote, I was thinking that, if she won, none of the right wing would say she had no mandate. So they can't say that now just because they don't like the result - but they will.
Star City Columnist Esward Keenan pointedly notes that Star's endorsement of Bailão was a "decision in which reporters and columnists like yours truly are not involved."
#mayoralelection #toronto #topoli
Challenged on his endorsement of Ana Bailão, John Tory responds "What, me worry?"
Meanwhile, Doug Ford goes 100% fear mongering in obliging Star puff piece that never points out he said just yetserday he is “staying out of the race”. Of course, blatant hypocrisy from right-wing politicians is hardly news, is it?
#mayoralelection #toronto #topoli
Toronto Star editorial board surprises nobody. At least, they're honest enough to admit their choice is motivated by partisanship: "Chow, whose housing policy is disappointingly vague, has a long history as a New Democrat..."
I'd also point out that the board has put its cliché-o-matic into overdrive: "Toronto’s next mayor must be honest about the problems, lead with bold ideas, and forge consensus to achieve results."
#toronto #mayoralelection #topoli
What a joke. The best The Star can do is a quote from the graceless Denzil Minnan-Wong, one of the councilllors who led Toronto into meidocrity and decay.
Sad to see the Star threshing about hoping it can find a viable Liberal candidate of the kind that Minnan-Wong would be pround to support. (Mark Saunders would be a good choice for the champions of second best, but he belongs to the wrong party.)
#mayoralelection #toronto #topoli
What a joke. The best The Star can do is a quote from the graceless Denzil Minnan-Wong, one of the councilllors who led Toronto into mediocrity and decay.
Sad to see the Star threshing about hoping it can find a viable Liberal candidate of the kind that Minnan-Wong would be pround to support. (Mark Saunders would be a good choice for the champions of second best, but he belongs to the wrong party.)
#mayoralelection #toronto #topoli
I appreciate how bad a lot of media wants a horse race, but if the poll's margin of error is 3 per cent, isn't a three point "drop" in a candidate's vote basically meaningless? #Toronto #ToPoli #MayoralElection
#mayoralelection #topoli #toronto
I appreciate how bad a lot of media wants a horse race, but if the poll's margin of error is 3 per cent, isn't a three point "drop" in a candidate's vote basically meaningless? #Toronto #ToPoli #MayoralElection
#mayoralelection #topoli #toronto
We voted today in the advanced poll at Annette Community Recreation Centre. Thanks to the great poll workers who made it fast and easy! I encourage everyone to be sure to vote for the candidate of your choice.
#mayoralelection #topoli #toronto
On May 29, the Star runs a "Will there be an anybody but Chow movement?" story. Six days later, O self-fulfilling prophecy! Fair enough - the media loves to report a horse race. 1/2
#topoli #mayoralelection #toronto
Sigh...This column makes it sound like media desperately wants an "anybody but Chow movement" so it can write more horse race stories and stay away from all that icky issues stuff. Also, seems odd that none of the other candidates - even those who are trailing badly - was asked about this.
Since they've dropped the "John Tory leads the polls" line, maybe media can now switch to seeing how many would vote for Bonnie Crombie.
#topoli #mayoralelection #toronto
🤦 As usual, another Toronto #MayoralElection with its fraudulent tactics and censored/neutered debating stage.
I trust Torontorians to elect another progressive tyrant to the position as usual.
"Granted, it’s impossible to accommodate 102 candidates in a debate. But a time-honoured benchmark for getting an invitation was whether the candidate had ever held elected office in the past. This is indeed the case with Rob Davis, who served as both a school trustee and a city councillor, both for the old city of York and #Toronto post amalgamation.
And yet, there’s suddenly no room to accommodate Davis? Why?
Maybe he is too much of a threat to Olivia Chow, the current frontrunner (if you believe the polls, that is.)"
#mayoralelection #torontomayor #toronto #robdavis #electionsontario #yourcityyourvote #TOpoli
This is a BIG DEAL! https://coloradosun.com/2023/05/16/yemi-mobolade-colorado-springs-mayor/
#ColoradoSprings #MayoralElection #YemiMolbolade #
#yemimolbolade #mayoralelection #coloradosprings
OK, I think it's high time to drop the "John Tory is leading in the polls" stories, since Tory is not a candidate. As the skimpy report on last night's debate said, "What is clear is that there is much to be fact-checked.." - but I guess it's easier to write about Tory than that.
The way this campaign is going, someone might as well do a poll that will show Hazel McCallion well ahead of Tory.
#mayoralelection #topoli #toronto
Go figure, Even as some right-wing candidates in the mayoral race - supported by Doug Ford - try to make a case that there's too much and too easy bail, we get a story about how the so-called "revolving door" is frequently getting stuck. As too often, political posturing obscures what the real problem is. #ToPoli #OnPoli #MayoralElection
#mayoralelection #onpoli #topoli
The news here is surely not that Chow is leading, but that 42% would, for some strange reason, favour John Tory. As Tory is not an option, this suggests that Toronto voters are not engaged yet or gormless. Or worse. I think the best we can say is that, at this point, polls don't tell us much. #ToPoli #MayoralElection
Philly has to elect Helen Gym for mayor in May if they want the most progressive candidate. #philly #helengym #mayoralelection
#philly #helengym #mayoralelection
RT @RebelDiaz
New Paul Vallas campaign video is wild.. all facts #Chicago #mayoralelection #paulvallas #vallasiswrongforchicago
#chicago #mayoralelection #paulvallas #vallasiswrongforchicago