James M Branum - Activist ☮ · @jmb
1100 followers · 441 posts · Server okpeace.org

Lots of good news in tonight. 2 of the progressives on the city council were re-elected, James Cooper and JoBeth Hamon (despite the infusion of massive amounts of dark money and dirty attacks against JoBeth).

Ward 8 unfortunately went to incumbent Stonecipher, the big $ candidate, but Amy Warne made a valiant effort to unseat him and nearly forced him into a runoff. --- Let's also not forget that made the disappointing move of endorsing Stonecipher (Continued...)

#okc #mayordavidholt #oklahoma

Last updated 2 years ago

Okla.Social · @OklaBot
39 followers · 1389 posts · Server okla.social
James M Branum - Activist ☮ · @jmb
1020 followers · 237 posts · Server okpeace.org


As a Democratic Socialist, I have mixed feelings about some of the policy choices i
of , but I overall I am very grateful for this relative moderation and his anti-Trump positions.

#mayordavidholt #okc #oklahoma

Last updated 2 years ago