And more so than in other cities, i think, #police and others recruited to be the #displacement machine are doing so not because of a #culture of #harassing #houseless people (although #MayorFrey is doing his best to inculcate that attitude), but due to top-down directives and initiatives.
It's way past time to cut the #Parks department out of this #cycle of #violence
That #public July 5 board meeting is at 5pm at #Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Headquarters, 2117 West River Road N
#harassing #houseless #mayorfrey #parks #cycle #violence #public #minneapolis #police #displacement #culture
Furthermore #MayorFrey hasn’t done a damn positive thing about homelessness. Add in that the #MinneapolisPolice who brought about the #MinneapolisRiot via the murder of #GeorgeFloyd do not inspire a welcoming environment. At the end of the day, I get more done at the home office. It’s not about comfy clothes- I dress the same at home as I do in the office. I’d be happy to come downtown, I just need an actual reason to.
#mayorfrey #minneapolispolice #minneapolisriot #GeorgeFloyd
My first mistake was reading Minnpost. No #Minneapoils #MayorFrey, you really don’t get it. Downtown is ok, but the commute sucks. Also - the office sucks. I’m in the best technology workspace that HR could imagine- there’s a nice fellow shouting across the room about various bugs - so concentrating why my stuff isn’t working is a little difficult. Also: if you want to catch a disease, the office is a pretty good place to do it.
The roasting the people and process trying to ram through rebuilding the murderous cops' 3rd precinct for #MayorFrey shows that demanding data and reasons proves their policies are based on prejudice and lies.
The newfound willingess to negotiate a future for the East Phillips #RoofDepot shows the only things #Minneapolis wannabe rulers understand are protest power, lawsuits, and media narratives.
We #unhoused must take note.
#mayorfrey #roofdepot #minneapolis #Unhoused
@Taweret hmm #MayorFrey *does* wear his baby carrier whenever he faces the well-earned hostility of the people of #Minneapolis … and his support base is increasingly reactionary, so we'll probably see this turn up on an expense report of his PAC soon enough.