井上尚弥について「フロイド・メイウェザー」が忖度なしで語る https://www.wacoca.com/news/1747198/
##シン #familytimeft #FloydMayweather #GervontaDavis #InoueNaoya #Mayweather #ガーボンタ・デービス #デービス #ドネア #ナオト #ノニト・ドネア #ファミリータイム #フルトン #フロイド・メイウェザー #ボクシング #ポッドキャスト #メイウェザー #井上vsフルトン #井上尚弥 #格闘キャスト #格闘技
#シン #familytimeft #floydmayweather #gervontadavis #inouenaoya #mayweather #ガーボンタ・デービス #デービス #ドネア #ナオト #ノニト・ドネア #ファミリータイム #フルトン #フロイド・メイウェザー #ボクシング #ポッドキャスト #メイウェザー #井上vsフルトン #井上尚弥 #格闘キャスト #格闘技
People who believe that #jakepaul and #LoganPaul are destroying boxing with the garbage fights they have need to open their eyes to the complete stupidity that is a #Mayweather exhibition match. It's absolutely disgusting.
#jakepaul #loganpaul #mayweather
Kim Kardashian EMAX Suit to Proceed as Court Considers Updated Complaint - A California judge backtracked on a tentative ruling to dismiss the allegations against t... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/06/07/kim-kardashian-emax-suit-to-proceed-as-court-considers-updated-complaint/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #kimkardashian #regulations #california #courtcases #mayweather #policy #news #emax
#emax #news #policy #mayweather #courtcases #california #regulations #kimkardashian
Bizarre, unforecasted #CalWx in Ukiah Valley extending east over the Mayacamas range into Lake Co.
We went from partly sunny to partly cloudy, with wind gusts and increased humidity an hour ago.
It's now quite dim out.
We are having intermittent drizzle with huge slow raindrops.
There is continuous rumbling thunder to the east, which has black clouds.
#rain #thunder #ThunderAndLightning #MayWeather #Ukiah #MendocinoCounty #LakeCounty #weather
#calwx #rain #thunder #thunderandlightning #mayweather #ukiah #mendocinocounty #lakecounty #weather
Typical six-day trip in May:
Day 1: sweltering, sunshine, car going to sizzle
Day 2: rain. Rain. More rain. Then some rain.
Day 3: freeze warning, frigid day, colder night
Day 4: beautiful!
Day 5: hot
Day 6: sweltering, hot, glare, nothing but glare
Pack for that, with four people in a small car! #travel #MayWeather
Embarrassing! UK fans snub Floyd #Mayweather, force ‘Money’ to box in near-empty arena #boxing #sports https://www.mmamania.com/2023/2/27/23616354/embarrassing-uk-fans-snub-floyd-mayweather-force-money-box-near-empty-arena