In what I am taking as a sign of goodwill from an often capricious universe, someone anonymously left a paperback copy of Mazower's _The Balkans: A Short History_ in my office mailbox yesterday. #histodons #mazeldons #balkan #kindness #bookstodon #Anonymous
#bookstodon #anonymous #kindness #balkan #mazeldons #histodons
If I take the menorah down from its special Hanukkah space now, I'll miss my chance to have left it out for an entire year. #mazeldons
I thought I would use the time between the end of today's big task (2-ish) and the faculty senate meeting (now in 30 minutes) to grade papers, but as it happens, I went off to ask for the free coffee to which I am entitled on my reward card and had some nice conversations that I enjoyed. #EnjoyItInGoodHealth #mazeldons #historidon #coffee #conversations
#conversations #coffee #historidon #mazeldons #enjoyitingoodhealth