Democrats Unveil Plan For #NoCost, #OTC #BirthControl
The# FDA is currently deciding whether to make one brand of #oral #contraceptives available at #pharmacies without a #prescription. Co-leading the measure are Reps. #AlexandriaOcasioCortez (D-N.Y.) and #AmiBera (D-Calif.), as well as Sens. #MazieHirono (D-Hawaii) and #CatherineCortezMasto (D-Nev.). Polling - 71% likely Democratic, Republican voters support making oral contraceptives available #overthecounter
#nocost #otc #birthcontrol #oral #contraceptives #pharmacies #prescription #alexandriaocasiocortez #amibera #maziehirono #catherinecortezmasto #overthecounter
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Biden Administration Moves to Ban Healthcare Workers From Reporting Abortions to Police #Jezebel #healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact #104thunitedstatescongress #health2cmedical2cpharma #reproductivehealth #matthewcortland #medicalprivacy #michaelbennet #jamilaperritt #socialissues #dataerasure #maziehirono #privacylaw #medicallaw #law2ccrime #midwifery
#jezebel #healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact #104thunitedstatescongress #health2cmedical2cpharma #reproductivehealth #matthewcortland #medicalprivacy #michaelbennet #jamilaperritt #socialissues #dataerasure #maziehirono #privacylaw #medicallaw #law2ccrime #midwifery
I’m a self-styled pragmatic progressive who gets things done and political junkie — not for the horse race, but for action. Some of my heroes include…
#hillaryclinton #tammybaldwin #pattymurrary #kirstengillibrand #KamalaHarris #barneyfrank #maziehirono #jaredpolis #nancypelosi #gretchenwhitmer #patriciatodd #laurenunderwood #sharicedavids #petebuttigieg #lucybaxley #geraldineferraro #annrichards #shirleychisholm #francesperkins #eleanorroosevelt #fdr #waltermondale #patsymink #RBG
These people sure love #murder
#libtards #maziehirono #murder
These people sure love #murder
#libtards #maziehirono #murder