The Big Con:
How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies. Mazzucato, Mariana; Collington, Rose, eds. (2023).
#book #Mazzucato #big4 #ConsultingIndustry #State #capacity #tax #outsource #governance #accountability #PublicService #KnowHow #knowledge #dependency
Australia and the Big 4
How the big four accounting firms infiltrated governments, earning more than $10b over a decade while taxpayers are in the dark
Butler to the World:
How Britain Became the Servant of Tycoons, Tax Dodgers, Kleptocrats and Criminals, Oliver Bullough. 2022
Tracking how the super rich are changing the world for the rest of us, Oliver Bullough.
#Britain #crime #AntisocialBehaviour #Tycoons #TaxDodgers #Kleptocrats #Criminals
#book #mazzucato #big4 #consultingindustry #state #capacity #tax #outsource #governance #accountability #publicservice #knowhow #knowledge #dependency #britain #crime #antisocialbehaviour #tycoons #taxdodgers #kleptocrats #criminals
Ce #vendredilecture je fais un petit détour en sciences économique que d’habitude j’éviterais à tout prix car, n’est-ce pas, il y’a peu de scientifique dans ce domaine. Mais pour Mariana #Mazzucato on va faire une exception, surtout quand elle dissèque le monde méphitique des parasites du capitalisme néolibéral, ou « cabinets de conseils », dans son nouveau livre co-écrit avec Rosie Collington, « The big con », paru chez Penguin et uniquement en anglais pour le moment.
"Collington and #Mazzucato have provided a meticulously researched anatomy of an industry not widely understood by those outside it...and they have outlined the stakes for the future in no uncertain terms."
#mazzucato #mckinsey #thebigcon
"Private consultancy companies in the public sector are like the therapist that won't let the patient go because they make good money out of the therapy sessions".
Another standing ovation for Marianna #Mazzucato. I wish there were more economists like her in this world.
Two articles in the last few days took on the world of consulting. Rebecca Ackermann in the MIT Technology Review wrote on how the shine of #designthinking has worn off, while Henry Mance interviewed Mariana #Mazzucato in the Financial Times on her new book The Big Con, where she lambasts business consultancies for having no expertise in the areas that they’re advising in.
#designthinking #humancentereddesign #Experientia #consulting
#consulting #humancentereddesign #mazzucato #designthinking #experientia
An invitation to the next #BetaCodex #BookClub session, which is going to happen on 28. February.
You are invited!
#leadership #orgdev #change #transformation #workthesystem #systemsthinking #mazzucato
#betacodex #bookclub #leadership #orgdev #change #transformation #workthesystem #systemsthinking #mazzucato
@sixtus Zum Thema #Krankenhäuser #Gesundheitsvorsorge und den #Mythos was der #Staat kann oder nicht, hat Mariana #Mazzucato in #MissionEconomy grossartige Analysen und Ideen vorgestellt. Bei der Frage „Staat oder Privat“ darf man nicht vergessen, dass es eigentlich um „Gewinne oder nur die schwarze Null inkl. Zuflüssen aus Steuergeldern“ geht. Bei #Gesundheit #Pflege #ÖPNV #Bildung #Kultur muss es um das #Wohlergehen vieler gehen, nicht um den #Profit weniger #wirtschaft
#krankenhauser #Gesundheitsvorsorge #mythos #Staat #mazzucato #missioneconomy #gesundheit #pflege #opnv #bildung #kultur #wohlergehen #profit #wirtschaft
Wow, revealing graphic @christina
If we pulled at that thread we'd probably see academia as a whole being too self-referential. Something we knowledge ecologists can't help questioning of course 🤓
I've always felt economists (especially the dudes) were too focused on models while ignoring (or black boxing) process.
Probably why Elinor #Ostrom, a political scientist, snuck up on everyone when she won the Nobel in economics... And why evolutionary economists like #Mazzucato stand out so much.