Any #Mac / #macOS security experts around?
- external SSD used only for #TimeMachine backups
- Backups are password-protected
- M1 Pro 16-inch #MBP
- OS 13.4.1 Ventura
- Haven't plugged the drive in for 53 days
- Plugged it in just now
- Mac displays a 'trust this drive?' security prompt
- I got worried something broke
- Clicked Yes
- Seems ok, Time Machine backup kicked in
Does that seem normal? Why did macOS ask to trust a drive that has existing, authenticated TM backups?
OK, members of #tech #mac Mastodon:
Is there any way to keep my custom #icons on my #MBP from changing when the apps update?
I currently use the basic right click → get info to change the icons.
Is there a better way to do this? I can't seem to find one.
#tech #mac #icons #mbp #techsupport #halp
I'm painfully aware that the 2016-18 vintage was particularly bad for #MacBook pros, but even so, it's *always* my #MBP that's the problem device in my line-up.
On this one I got a bit giddy in the with the whole apple store experience and bough the most expensive one, so I'm begrudgingly make this one last, despite the lure of the M2 Air.
Spotkanie autorskie z Anną Nieznaj
Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. H. Łopacińskiego Filia nr 26 w Lublinie zaprasza 8 maja na spotkanie autorskie z Anną Nieznaj.[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #Lublin #AnnaNieznaj #FundacjaHesperos #spotkanie #MBP #Filianr26MBPwLublinie #FundacjaPoInnejStronieMocy #FederacjaFantastykiFeniks
#fahrenheit_zin #lublin #annanieznaj #fundacjahesperos #spotkanie #mbp #filianr26mbpwlublinie #fundacjapoinnejstroniemocy #federacjafantastykifeniks
I have a 2016 #MBP 3.1ghz quad core and #System76 Gazalle. Seeing that my Mac is slowly become deprecated. I refuse the idea of having to buy a new mac every few years just I order to have a well functioning mac. In the #Linux world the specs of my MBP would make for a good machine. My System76’s performance is spectacular but the build quality and battery life is a total disappointment. Does anyone have any suggestions for a quality laptop for Linux or BSD? Doesn’t have to be a new model.
Lavoura ("Tillage")
By Roberta Sá
From her 2005 album Braseiro
🎼 🎤 🇧🇷 🎧 🎶
#Brasil #Music #MBP #BossaNova #Brazil #ToastiesPlaylist
#brasil #music #mbp #bossanova #brazil #toastiesplaylist
I have a brand spankin new M2 Macbook Pro with 64 (!!) gig of ram, a terabyte of disk, and more horsepower than some third world countries.
But what I keep tearing up over is the actual row of function keys and a real live Escape key. _sniffs_. It's so beautiful...
Gente Aberta (Open People)
by Erasmo Carlos
From his 1971 album Carlos, Erasmo
🎶 😎 ✌🏽 😎 ✌🏽 😎 ✌🏽 🇧🇷
#mbp #brasil #music #brazil #toastiesplaylist
I have a problem with my work #MBP crashing when being connected to a monitor from sleep. I looked at the error report and noticed:
> Darwin Kernel Version 22.3.0: Thu Jan 5 20:17:53 PST 2023; root:xnu-8792.81.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
Curious, this is an Intel Mac, why is it saying ARM64…
Turns out it's the #bridgeOS in the #TouchBar that is crashing and it's taking down the entire computer. 😐 So not only is the touch bar user hostile, it's now also leading to panics of the entire machine.
#M2 #MacBookPro at Low Power Matches Full-Power #M1 Performance - The Mac Observer
#Apple #MBP
#m2 #macbookpro #m1 #apple #mbp