I’m curious, what’s you Myers Briggs personality type (#MBTI)?
I’m an #INTJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging) and actually fit the stereotype fairly well.
(Yes, I know MBTI has been somewhat discredited and never was scientifically meaningful, but I’m asking because it sometimes makes for a good discussion. )
https://www.annapost.com/122593/ 【MBTI】変化していく16診断を確認する【Vtuber】 #16診断 #Announcers #FemaleAnnouncers #MBTI #SmashBros #VTuber #バーチャルYoutuber #バ美肉 #堂真理子 #女子アナ #診断 #雑談
#16診断 #announcers #femaleannouncers #mbti #smashbros #vtuber #バーチャルyoutuber #バ美肉 #堂真理子 #女子アナ #診断 #雑談
i build a tool you can insert your posts and check what mbti type the machine predicts you as. wanna try? #mbti #personalitytype
"Comment le yoga façonne l’être néolibéral
[...] pour Zineb Fahsi, professeure de yoga, cette quête d’un « meilleur soi » n’est rien d’autre qu’une façon de faire accepter son sort à l’individu néolibéral, tout en l’appelant à se dépasser, en particulier au travail."
#yoga #néolibéralisme #développementpersonnel #réalisationdesoi #bonheur #bullshitjobs #MBTI #narcissisme #psychologiepositive #newage
#yoga #neoliberalisme #developpementpersonnel #realisationdesoi #bonheur #bullshitjobs #mbti #narcissisme #psychologiepositive #newage
Wenn eine Firma weiß, dass der #MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) keine wissenschaftliche Grundlage hat, und daher die Persönlichkeitsprofile keine Aussagekraft haben - darf sie die Bewerber- oder Mitarbeiter-bezogenen Profile überhaupt erfragen, abspeichern, auswerten?
Der Grundsatz der Datensparsamkeit (insbes. die Notwendigkeit für den Zweck!) kann doch so gar nicht erfüllt werden?
The chances are 100%.
( god i hate #mbti .. #bigfive sm better
I wonder how the #intjforum is doing 🥴)
Anyone know of some good #intp or #mbti communities? (preferably on the #fediverse or other #foss networks)
#intp #mbti #fediverse #foss #askfedi #askfediverse #mbtipersonalities
https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/how-you-show-love-based-on-your-myers- :blobcatsweats: briggs-personality-type/
Yup... Always going the extra mile, indeed. :blobcatsweats:
"There are spiritual activities that nurture each of our preferred modes of being and doing. If we are strong introvert-intuitive types, chances are we have developed a spirituality that is very privatized, reflective, contemplative and individualized. Introvert-intuitive types will seek to spend more time in monastic settings if these are available. This can be a real spiritual high for them. But take the extravert-sensing persons to a Cistercian monastery with its vows of silence, and they will climb the walls."
(Mulholland, M. Robert, Jr. _Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation_. Foreword, Practices and Study Guide by Ruth Haley Barton. Expanded edition. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2016, p. 71)
#MBTI #introvert #spirituality #SpiritualPath #personality #preferences
#mbti #introvert #spirituality #spiritualpath #personality #preferences