#3 (2023-02-22) #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania
My plan to wait a week worked well. Theater was practically empty.
Really enjoyed it, which is just consistent for the #AntMan series. I was especially excited for the debut of Cassie Lang's superhero identity, as I was a big fan of Stinger back in the #Marvel #MC2 comics.
Also, given the bug theme, the #RiderKick felt appropriate.
That said, apparently the ending I expected was cut because it tested poorly? What we got was a tad jarring instead.
#riderkick #mc2 #marvel #antman #AntManandTheWaspQuantumania
CBR - Comic Book Resources: #MC2 Was #Marvel ’s Original Ultimate #Universe- and it Deserves a #Comeback — MC2 #comics weren't a major hit originally, but some fine-tuning could allow these comics to reach a younger generation of readers.
#comics #comeback #universe #marvel #mc2
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